BuddyPress XProfile Validate with RegEx

With this plugin you can define a PCRE regular expression against which data entered in XProfile fields will be matched.

For example:

  • check webpage field for a correct(-ish) URL or domain name: %^(https?://)?([^ :/]{1,63}\.)+[^ :/.]{2,63}%iu
  • check age field for a sane(-ish) value (0-199): /^1?[0-9]?[0-9]$/
  • check phone field for a sane(-ish) value: /^+?[0-9 -]{7,45}$/
  • check any field for a minimum and maksimum length: /^.{10,100}$/u

You can also configure a message to show when a field data does not validate.

Disable bbPress Profile Override

Links to bbPress profiles are overridden (filtered) and pointed to a members BuddyPress profile when using the bbPress plugin with BuddyPress. Disable bbPress Profile Override...

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Elvito BP

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BuddyPress Maps

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BP Login Redirect

Version 2.2 Completely Re-Written. Tested with WordPress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.2.1. This plugin gives an option to buddypress based website owners to decide that where their users should be redirected after the login. Currently users can be redirected to 3 different locations after login. 1. Personal.........

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BuddyPress Avatar Bubble

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BuddyPress Admin Only Profile Fields

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BuddyPress No Captcha reCaptcha

This plugin obviously requires BuddyPress before it will do anything. You also need to enter your API keys from Google in the settings page. You can choose light or dark theme and add basic CSS styling to the box. It should help keep your community free from spambots and also hopefully not be too .........

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Spam Destroyer

Stops automated spam while remaining as unobtrusive as possible to regular commenters. The Spam Destroyer plugin is intended to be effortless to use. Simply install, and enjoy a spam free website :)...

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User Registration Aide

When new users register, this plugin forces new users to register additional fields of your choosing or lets you add your own custom fields. Default available fields are: First Name Last Name Nickname Website AIM screen name Yahoo IM screen name Jabber/Google Talk user name Password WordPress Us.........

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Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

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