Buscapé Tracker

O plugin Buscapé Tracker gera os links personalizados do programa de afiliados Buscapé/Bondfaro, especialmente adaptados para o ClickTracker.

O ClickTracker é um serviço brasileiro de monitoramento de cliques dos programas de afiliados, que está sendo cada vez mais usado por blogueiros e webmasters interessados em conhecer mais o comportamento dos visitantes, com o objetivo de otimizar o trabalho de monetização.

Com este plugin será possível adicionar palavras-chaves automaticamente linkadas para o Buscapé e/ou Bondfaro.

Baidu Tongji generator

Add baidu Tracker JavaScript to each page on your wordpress blog. 此插件将百度统计代码安装到wordpress,支持宽松的格式校验,保证安装代码格式正确, 简单易上手,可设置开启和关闭统计、管理页面跟踪。...

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For information regarding the Österreichische Webanalyse (ÖWA) organisation, please see their mission statment and description that is published here: http://oewa.at/index.php?id=4....

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Press-this auto close

This is a plugin for Press-this tool, it auto close your window when you publish your post after 3 seconds. 该插件为wordpress的"快速发布",添加在3秒后自动关闭其窗口的功能....

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Kin Visitantes

NOW WITH GOOGLE CHARTS! Keep track of how many visitors reach your site, when they accessed it, what language they speak, what browser they use, where they came from, and what they looked at. Beautiful Google Charts presentation Dashboard widget Date and time visited Visitor language Visitor brow.........

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Get instant clarity into how your WordPress site is performing with diib’s Health Score right on your dashboard. Diib also monitors your analytics for problems and provides you with 30 day forecasts on key metrics. Free 7 day trial with no CC required. I look at my diib dashboard 10-15 times per.........

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JoomlaWatch PRO for WordPress

Popular visitor live tracking component ported from Joomla. JoomlaWatch allows you to watch your joomla visitors live stats and bots in real-time from the administration back-end. Specially their IP addresses, countries they come from, geographical location on a map, which pages they are viewing, th.........

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statistX adds a configurable hit counter to your WordPress blog. It also includes a web traffic and search/keyword -analysis. To get your free statistX ID, simply visit http://www.statistx.com/signup.php and: 1. enter your desired username 2. enter your website's URL 3. select the counter style you.........

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JoomlaWatch LITE for WordPress

Popular visitor live tracking component ported from Joomla. JoomlaWatch allows you to watch your joomla visitors live stats and bots in real-time from the administration back-end. Specially their IP addresses, countries they come from, geographical location on a map, which pages they are viewing, th.........

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Thumbar Rating Plugin

Full Statistics In Real Time Each Thumbar shows up counts, down counts, total count, and percent voted up Auto-sized two-tone bars provide an instant visual summary of up and down votes Customizable bar colors to fit perfectly into your theme Ultra slim plugin profile integrates easily into your p.........

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Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

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