Certify Post

This plugin allows you to create strong evidence of intellectual property on the post content by certifying a blog post using the criptographically secure process of trusted timestamping. The timestamps are issued by an accredited Certification Authority, thus adding legal value to the certification. The certification guarantees that the post content is not modified since it has been published.

Coming soon: each certified post will show a "certification seal" that links to a page on easytimestamping.com where verification is performed on the fly. The verification checks that the post content has not been altered and checks that the timestamp associated with the post has been issued by a Certification Authority and verify its authenticity. The "certification seal" allows the viewers of your blog to verify that the content of the blog post has never been altered since its certification date.

Thaana Date

This plugin replaces the english format of month and days in WordPress to Thaana (Maldivian language) format. This plugin uses Unicode character to display date and month. You are required to use Unicode Thaana font and set the direction to rtl....

Similar: 50%

Copyright Shortcodes

Available shortcodes are: [copyright year=YYYY], [copy], [year], [years by=YYYY list=true/false sep=β€œ, β€œ] The copy shortcode provides the official C with a circle around it ("©") required legally in many countries to Copyright many forms of intellectual property. It’s already included in the β€˜.........

Similar: 34%

Default Post Date

Define an individual default post date that is to be used when adding a new post. Have you ever had to create a fair amount of posts that all should be published on an individual date other than today? Maybe some reviews of an event a while back? Or a bunch of essays scheduled for the day after to.........

Similar: 34%

EXIFize My Dates

This tool will attempt to irreversably change the actual post dates of all entries in the post type you choose (supports posts, pages, and custom post types). The dates will be changed using (in order of priority): 'exifize_date' custom meta (date or 'skip')** EXIF date of Featured Image EXIF dat.........

Similar: 29%

Sksdev All Shortcode

Allows you to create a div or anchor or Date by using the shortcodes, Date [showdate] and end [end-showdate], start [a] and end [end-a] and start [div] and end [end-div]. To add an id of "foo" and class of "bar", use [div id="foo" class="bar"] and href in anchor like link="any link to redirect", use.........

Similar: 29%

Anti Plagiarism

Protects your contents from copy-paster by disablng copy commands from shortcut + mouse and disallow users to make a selection over the text on your content. You can change the warning message from your option>anti plagiarism settings more documentation...

Similar: 25%

Urdu Date and Time Display

This plugin will display all date, time and numbers of WordPress website into Urdu Language. Urdu date and time will be shown according to English calendar only....

Similar: 23%

Meks Time Ago

Meks Time Ago WordPress plugin will allow you to easily change your post date display to "time ago" format. For example, 1 hour ago, 2 weeks ago, 5 months, 4 days ago, etc... Several options are provided to suit your needs....

Similar: 23%

Wizzart - Recent Comments

This plugin offers a highly customizable widget to show recent comments of your visitors in your sidebars. The output is completely under your control for every widget with stunning features like custom tags and output styles!...

Similar: 8%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 2%