Check Email

Don't know if your WordPress installation is sending emails? Use this simple plugin to find out. It will send a simple test email to an email address of your choice, and to help troubleshoot any problems you can also override the custom headers wth your own values.

Please be aware this is a very early version of the plugin, and with so many people having trouble with email I expect this plugin to cause lots of questions and feature requests.

Mock Mail

Mock Mail lets you customise the configuration of PHPMailer during development for email testing. See the instructions for configuration examples....

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MyMail Multi SMTP

Allows to use multiple SMTP connection for the MyMail Newsletter Plugin...

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Plugin Example

Use a custom mail server to send mails in WP. This way you can also send emails when testing on your local server. Make sure to follow us on Twitter for updates and more....

Similar: 30%

SMTP URI and logging

Using SMTP protocol to transfer emails ensures solid operations. It is very easy to set up SMTP. You can find the settings for this plugin at the bottom of WordPress admin menu Options / General. You should get your SMTP settings from your ISP, hosting provider, webmaster, email provider etc. Usin.........

Similar: 28%

Xmail - The Right Way

All webmasters experience the problem of their emails landing in their users spam folders, including our own! So we decided to develop a simple solution to fix this wide-spread annoyance. After a long development period, we have produced an effective method of sending emails which complies in ful.........

Similar: 25%

Cispm Mail Contact

Français Cispm Mail Contact est un formulaire de contact entièrement personnalisable via le panneau d’administration de votre blog WordPress. Par ce plugin, vous pouvez via un formulaire de permettre aux visiteur de votre de blog de vous contacter par mail. Opter pour la personnalisation graphique .........

Similar: 20%

Mail Queues by PBCI

Send mail using SMTP without exceeding the the rate allowed by your mail provider(s). Mail can be sent using multiple user logins/passwords to give fault tolerance and make each mail message somewhat unique so that it is less likely to be flagged as SPAM/UCE by either your or the downstream mail p.........

Similar: 15%

Inbound Brew

Inbound Brew will save you time and simplify your inbound marketing (sometimes called content marketing or permission marketing) processes. Inbound marketing, a concept made popular by Hubspot, allows you to create content that matters for the people that matter. Creating meaningful content results .........

Similar: 12%

WP Mail Booster - WordPress Mail Plugin

WordPress Mail Booster - Best PHPMailer & SMTP Mailer This plugin reconfigures the wp_mail() function and make it more enhanced to use SMTP instead of mail() with various options available. The Plugin has options to choose between your custom smtp server or the inbuilt phpmailer....

Similar: 12%

MailUp newsletter sign-up form

Visitors to your WordPress-powered blog or Web site will be able to subscribe to your newsletter using an easily configurable sign-up form. Their information will be saved in your MailUp account, in the List you specify. You will also be able to specify a Group (e.g. List: Monthly Newsletter, Group:.........

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