
By : unknown

China-AddThis 是专为中国用户设计制作的社会化网络分享小工具,安装简单无需配置和主题修改,删除无任何数据库残留信息。 插件启用后会在文章单页的底部添加一些国内流行的社会化分享按钮例如:腾讯微博、新浪微博、腾讯空间、人人网、开心网、豆瓣、百度搜藏等等国内流行的社会化分享服务。

其实目前国内已经有很多提供第三方收藏或者分享服务的工具和站点例如 JiaThis AddThis等等。 这些站点提供的插件虽然使用上非常方便但这些插件都有一个共同点就是点击按钮后需要先跳转到第三方站点,或者是让用户新建页面然后继续操作才能分享内容到目标,或许大家跟我一样不喜欢这样……


anyShare 是专为中国用户设计制作的社会化网络分享纯绿色小插件,率先支持 Retina 显示屏,安装简单无需任何配置和主题修改,卸载无任何数据库残留信息,插件启用后会在文章单页的底部添加一些国内流行的社会化分享按钮例如:腾讯微博、新浪微博、腾讯空间、开心网、人人网、百度搜藏、腾讯书签等等国内流行的社会化分享服.........

Similar: 80%

Mt8 Post Share

Mt8 Post Shareは、投稿ページから記事をシェアできるようになるプラグインです。...

Similar: 75%

TNK SNS share link buttons

It creates link buttons to the target blog article page for sharing 17 major services and those links are created by javascript, so it's not a burden to the server and page loding. And if you need, it will append an Open Graph Protocol information to the your article automatically....

Similar: 43%


SNS share tools for japan(日本人のためにデザインしたソーシャルシェアツールです。) ソースコードをコピーして、あなたのWebサイトの表示したい場所に張り付けるだけで、無料、手間なし、カンタンでiQiPlusまとめボタンを設置。(ツイートボタン、いいねボタン、はてな、Googleプラスなどのボタンをまとめて簡単設置).........

Similar: 38%


Adds a Facebook 'Like' button to any page on your blog...

Similar: 34%

TsBig3 Secure Share-Buttons

Include secure share-buttons from the three biggest social-media-platforms: facebook, twitter and google+. The buttons don't include any scripts, so no data is transmitted unless the user decides to click the button and actually share the content....

Similar: 23%

Share Button

Share Buttons Widget is simple and easy to use. With Share Buttons Widget you can share your content at Facebook, Twitter, Google, Digg, Delicious and many more! After plugin activation you will be automatically redirected to your widgets page so you can configure the Share Buttons Widget in your .........

Similar: 8%

Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

Similar: 2%

E-MAILiT Share Buttons

E-MAILiT gives a free, creative solution that permits publishers to coordinate influential features straightforwardly into their sites by means of a completely adjustable stage. The E -MAILiT service coordinates a mixture of share buttons, media solutions, social plugins, analytics, and much more, e.........

Similar: 2%

Social Share Pop

That I believe if life gives you lemons, make lemonade ... You should try to find somebody And Whose Life has Given them vodka, and have a party. It is a tool of social networks to counter your post. It has the following counters Facebook Twitter Google Plus ...

Similar: 2%