Cloud-O-Google Queries

By : tmb

I guess I'm just curious by nature. After installing Anders Holte Nielsens Counterize plug-in, I noticed quite a few google query hits. I wanted to know which keywords led people to my site. I did a quick search but couldn't find somethink like I had in mind (Update: A reader pointed out, that there is a plugin called Search Phrases, which has a slightly more minimalistic aim). Since Counterize keeps track of the referer, it was just a matter of applying some regular expressions and preparing a tag-like keyword heat cloud, which we've all gotten used to.

2D Tag Cloud

Is your tag too simple? 2D Tag Cloud helps you improve your tag style. It makes a tag cloud with two visual values: hit and used count. For instance, the size represents that how many times the tag have clicked, and the colour represents how many posts have had the tag. 2D 태그 클라우드는 두가지 .........

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TagCloud html5

Tag cloud on html5 steroids based on tagcanvas-JS from

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Flash Tag Cloud

This plugin allows you to quickly insert a tag cloud made of flash. If you use WordPress 2.3 or higer one but you are still searching for something te...

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New Tag Cloud

New Tag Cloud is a little WordPress plugin wich generates a tag cloud. New Tag Cloud uses the WordPress own tagging feature, so that you don't need any tagging plugin. You can use New Tag Cloud directly in a post/page, in the theme as PHP code or as widget. Configurebale options * widget box title .........

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Wp Tag Magic Widget

This plugin allows you to add a tag/category cloud with count widget to your sidebar or use a shortcode to show a category/tag cloud with count in post & page. You can select color combination of cloud, the minimum number of posts in a category to show and which categories to include or exclud.........

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Tag Cloud widget for UTW

This is a sidebar widget for WordPress, which adds a tag cloud in sidebar. It must be used together with the so popular plugin sidebar widget and the wonderful tag plugin Ultimate Tag Warrior. I am using it on my blog, which is built on WordPress 2.1.3 and UTW 3.14159265. Notes: The style of tag.........

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WP Colorful Tag Cloud

WP Colorful Tag Cloud allows you to display a nice tag cloud using different colors. Colors are customizable and depend on tags weights (meaning occurences) and sizes. A lot of other customization parameters are available. See plugin website description and screenshots for a full description and a.........

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Tag Cloud Shortcode

The plugin gives users the oportunity to embed a tag cloud for a site within any page. When using the shortcode [tagcloud] when writing in the content of any page, the user includes in the page, a tag cloud for posts on that site. I am working on adding the ability to set options, such as sizes, .........

Similar: 34%

Custom Tag Cloud

Customizable widget and shortcode to display tag cloud anywhere you want. You can use it as standard tag cloud widget, as shortcode in any post or page, or both ways. Tons of options allow you to fine tune cloud layout to your needs. STANDARD FEATURES Display list of post, category or link catego.........

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Colorful Tag Cloud Widget

This plugin is used to show a category and tag in sidebar and also in homepage sidebar. This plugin shows tags and categories in random colors which you have defined from admin area. Features User define Colors: You can pick from 1 to 5 number of colors to show category and tags. Minimum and Maxi.........

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