
By : cgfeel




注:本人一直习惯使用PHP新特性、新语法,这样可能会造成插件在一些老的PHP环境中执行错误;比如PHP 5.3,如果您执行出现错误,请您将错误提示反馈给我,我会做出调整。



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  • 开源中国
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  • Lofter




Exec External Links

Opens External Links in a new tab...

Similar: 67%

WordPress Importer

The WordPress Importer will import the following content from a WordPress export file: Posts, pages and other custom post types Comments Custom fields and post meta Categories, tags and terms from custom taxonomies Authors For further information and instructions please see the Codex page on Imp.........

Similar: 67%

ReadyMade WordPress Importer

NOTE: This plugin has been superseded by the TP2WP Importer. For more information visit

Similar: 23%

Attachment Importer

What is this? I found the WordPress Importer plugin is good for importing posts and comments, but is lacking when it comes to importing large attachments (like images) from large sites. My import would often time out and crash. I wrote this plugin to help with my own blog migrations, but I hope you.........

Similar: 20%

FG SPIP to WordPress

This plugin migrates categories, articles, news and images from SPIP to WordPress. It has been tested with SPIP versions 2.0 and 3.0 and WordPress 4.3. It is compatible with multisite installations. Major features include: migrates categories migrates articles migrates news migrates featured ima.........

Similar: 20%

FG PrestaShop to WooCommerce

This plugin migrates products, categories, tags, images and CMS from PrestaShop to WooCommerce/WordPress. It has been tested with PrestaShop version 1.1 to 1.6 and WordPress 4.3. It is compatible with multisite installations. Major features include: migrates PrestaShop products migrates PrestaSh.........

Similar: 19%

FG Magento to WooCommerce

This plugin migrates product categories, products, images and CMS from Magento to WooCommerce. It has been tested with Magento versions 1.3 to 1.9 and WordPress 4.3. It is compatible with multisite installations. Major features include: migrates the product categories migrates the product catego.........

Similar: 19%


FEEDZY RSS Feeds is a small and lightweight RSS aggregator plugin. Fast and very easy to use, it allows you to aggregate multiple RSS feeds into your WordPress site through fully customizable shortcodes & widgets. The plugin uses the SimplePie php CLASS natively included in WordPress. SimplePie.........

Similar: 10%

CSV Import

CSV Import enables to import Post, Page and Custom Post along with default Custom Fields and SEO fields. The SEO fields of All in One SEO plugin and Custom Post Type created with CPT UI plugin can be imported....

Similar: 8%

FG Joomla to WordPress

This plugin migrates sections, categories, posts, images, medias and tags from Joomla to WordPress. It has been tested with Joomla versions 1.5 through 3.4 and WordPress 4.3 on huge databases (72 000+ posts). It is compatible with multisite installations. Major features include: migrates Joomla .........

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