CodeMirror for CodeEditor

By : redcocker

Just another code syntaxhighligher for the theme and plugin editor with CodeMirror. This plugin can highlight sourcecodes in the theme/plugin editor and provide a useful toolbar.

Editor Syntax Highlighter

Editor Syntax Highlighter will use syntax highlighted code for editing both theme and plugin files using the browser editor allowing for easier coding....

Similar: 72%

WP Code Highlight.js

This is a wordpress plugin for highlight.js library. Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on any web pages. It's very easy to use because it works automatically: finds blocks of code, detects a language, highlights it. This plugin allow you load highlight.js from local storage or from C.........

Similar: 67%


This is a simple wordpress plugin for highlight.js library. Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs, forums and in fact on any web pages. It's very easy to use because it works automatically: finds blocks of code, detects a language, highlights it. Features: works with comments h.........

Similar: 67%

SyntaxHighlighter TinyMCE Button

"SyntaxHighlighter TinyMCE Button" provides additional buttons for "Visual Editor(TinyMCE)" and these buttons will help to type or edit <pre> tag for Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter. This plugin is based on "CodeColorer TinyMCE Button" and becomes more feature-rich....

Similar: 63%

String locator

When working on themes and plugins you often notice a piece of text that appears hardcoded into the files, you need to modify it, but you don't know where it's located in the theme files. Easily search through your themes, plugins or the WordPress core and be presented with a list of files, the mat.........

Similar: 56%

Syntax Highlighter Compress

Syntax Highlighter ComPress is a simple WordPress plugin, that is based on the latest Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter Script. Code and source text of different mark-up or programming languages can be highlighted in WordPress. There are other WordPress plugin based on the SyntaxHighlighter Scrip.........

Similar: 43%

WP SyntaxHighlighter

This plugin is code syntax highlighter based on Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter ver. 3.0.83 and 2.1.382....

Similar: 39%

SyntaxHighlighter - Spacegray

A nice Color Scheme for "SyntaxHighlighter Evolved" based on "Spacegray", the lovely Theme for Sublime Text 2/3. Spacegray for Sublime Text 2/3 is here:

Similar: 32%

Wp-Syntax Hacktify

A plugin allowing you to change the WP-Syntax code highlighting color scheme elegantly. WP-Syntax rawks for writing about geeky stuff, but I want it more blacker. And I want a CSS file to hack instead of those icky and inefficient inline styles. I got the basic idea from WP-Syntax-Colorizer but w.........

Similar: 25%

Power Code Editor

Helps you more effectively edit your themes or plugins when you only have access to a browser, by enabling syntax highlighting in WordPress' integrated source code editors. Supports PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Please provide any feedback at Everything is don.........

Similar: 25%