Compare Ninja: Add beautiful Comparison Tables to your website on-the-fly

CompareNinja Compare Ninja is a super powerful tool for adding beautiful comparison tables to your website. Compare Ninja's comparison tables are flexible and could work great in any website.

See thousands of comparison table examples created with Compare Ninja.

IMPORTANT: You will FIRST need to go to Compare Ninja, sign up for FREE, and create a new comparison table before you can embed it into your WordPress website.

Got any feedback or question? Contact us via contact{at}

** It's really easy. Get started in 2 minutes tops, no training needed! **

Responsive Scrolling Tables

What is Responsive Scrolling Tables (RST)? RST is a plugin for your Joomla! website that prevents tables from breaking your responsive layout. Who is RST for? RST is for anyone wishing to use tables in a mobile friendly way without having to add classes or special formatting to the table. It's ai.........

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Pricer Ninja: Create and add responsive Pricing Tables to your website on-the-fly

PricerNinja Pricer Ninja is a super powerful tool for adding beautiful pricing tables to your website. Pricer Ninja's pricing tables are responsive, meaning, the tables will be presented properly on all devices including smatphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. See thousands of pricing .........

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Pricing Tables Pro

This plugin will add a “Pricing Tables” menu item to your WordPress admin panel. In there, you can create simple pricing tables with plan information, lists of features, followed by a call to action button....

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JTRT Responsive Tables

JTRT Responsive Tables is a plugin designed to help average wordpress users with creating great responsive tables for their websites by converting CSV files into responsive HTML. This plugin makes use of Foo Tables engenius scripts to create elegant yet functional responsive tables. This plugin howe.........

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BH Pricing Table

This is BH pricing table WordPress plugin.You can make easily your package/Plan by using it . Credited by CMB2,Bootstrap Use this shortcode "[bh_pricing_table pri_color="#00bff3" post_number="4"]" into your page or post...

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IG Pricing table

IG Pricing Table is a simple and easy way plugin to present your offer to your visitors. Create a new pricing table and then copy-paste the shortcode anywhere. IG Pricing table is fully responsive, translatable in your language, customizable and comes with a clean and simple design....

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Advance Pricing Table

Advance Pricing Table by Advance pricing table is a highly customizable , most advance , very easy and light weight WordPress Pricing Table Plugin. Very easy to use and fully mobile device responsive. Supported with all kind of WordPress Themes. Upgrade to the Pro Version Now!&r.........

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WordPress Compare

Use this plugin to create custom post types which can be compared against each other by the end users. When the plugin is activated, a 'Comparables' custom post type will appear on the admin sidebar. Here, you can create your posts which will appear on the front-end ( Yo.........

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Amazing pricing table

Amazing pricing table by Amazing Pricing Table is one of the best custom plugin to publish your pricing table in your website.You do not need any kind of knowledge of Web Development Code.You can use this Plugin by clicking pricing button and fill up your tables information as .........

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Easy to setup Testimonial Plugin. Display your Testimonials in a beautiful and Modern Slider. Testimonial Plugin improves user experience and overall look of your website and is completely free. Testimonial is a WordPress Testimonial plugin with touch for mobile devices. Testimonial displays your b.........

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