Copyright Autoupdater

Never worry about updating your copyright notice again!

The best way to add a copyright notice to your site is to include a range of dates, from first publish to today. This plugin automatically gets the date of your first published content and uses it to create the copyright range.

Copyright Shortcode

This plugin allows you to use the shortcode [copyright], which inserts a copyright symbol, the site name (linking back to the homepage), and the year. A span with the class "copyright" wraps this, and the year is dynamically updated. This is ideally used in the footer of your website. If shortcode.........

Similar: 67%

Automatic Copyright Year

Automatic Copyright Year seeks to solve a common problem: keeping your copyright year up-to-date. It's a problem all of us had: on January 1st every year, we need to go through every one of our websites and update all the footers. And when we see other people's sites that, in the footer, say, "(c) .........

Similar: 34%

Current Year and Copyright Shortcodes

Formerly: "jonradio Current Year and Copyright Shortcodes" If you need to display the current year, and have it always kept up to date, inserting this plugin's [y] shortcode almost anywhere on your web site will do just that. If you need to display an official Copyright notice, inserting this plug.........

Similar: 34%

Copyright Shortcodes

Available shortcodes are: [copyright year=YYYY], [copy], [year], [years by=YYYY list=true/false sep=β€œ, β€œ] The copy shortcode provides the official C with a circle around it ("©") required legally in many countries to Copyright many forms of intellectual property. It’s already included in the β€˜.........

Similar: 34%

JET4 Content Areas

JET4 Content Areas allows you to create content which you can drag into a widget area, show in your template files, or place into your other posts and/or pages. This plugin also has many hooks, including filters for almost everything as well as actions so you can modify its behavior to fit your need.........

Similar: 29%

ZYX Classical Circular Clock

The ZYX Classical Circular Clock allows a clock to be displayed in three different ways: * Sidebar widget (the ZYX Analog Clock). * The template tag the_clocked_time. * The analog_clock shortcode. You can configure every element in different ways. You can set width and height for the clock (it ca.........

Similar: 25%


There are plenty of auto translate plugins, but they leave the content rigid with grammatical errors. For those needing a solution to translate a WordPress site manually into unlimited languages or versions, WP-Translate is for you. Using shortcodes, template tags, and a widget, you can easily cre.........

Similar: 16%

Copyrights for wordpress plugin

Author Site KANKOD's copyrights plugins restricts visitors from copying your site contents, by disabling the common web copy methods, such as right clicking,text selection image dragging and more. Keeping your content safe is becoming a real issue, content thieves scan the web to find intresting .........

Similar: 10%

Simple String Manager

With this plugin you are able to: Change strings on your wordpress site, from admin panel Plugin works over other language plugins and can be used together Plugin works with generated and optimized files No load on DB while using on site This plugin uses as less scripts and css as possible to av.........

Similar: 5%

Tessa Authorship

"Tessa Authorship" allows to set and handle authorship and relations with every WordPress content that exists on your site. This allows you to present works by other people, think of an online gallery, for instance. You know best, where Tessa Authorship could help you with your content, once you gra.........

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