
By : arisnb

CountDownDays - Plugin for counting down the event base the day. CountDownDays plugin is widgetable at your sidebar. Simple configuration, simple view, and friendly to every user.

If any problems or feedback please contact me . The readme in the Indonesian language can be read in

Thanks to Purwedi Kurniawan.

MWP Countdown

Create limited-time or limited-amount countdowns...

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Final Countdown

Easily create a Countdown widget on your WordPress website with the only "Final Countdown" PlugIn that can be imported, shared and synchronized across websites and mobile devices. Countdown Features Include: Countdown Widget form to enter your event name and countdown settings Shows days, hours, m.........

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YITH WooCommerce Product Countdown

Put a countdown in the product pages of your shop and use it to highlight certain offers or deals. An easy way to put the right product in the spotlight and create interest about limited items or specific products. Features: Enable/disable the plugin from option panel Enable and set countdown fro.........

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WordPress Countdown plugin

Our WordPress Countdown plugin allow website owners to create nice and functional Countdown timer just in a few minutes. This is the best way to create beautiful Countdown for your users. You can use our Countdown timer in your posts/pages and widgets. It's very easy to use and there isn't any need .........

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Wp Clock Counter

In this Wp Clock Counter plugin user will get dynamic clocks and counter with multiple language support, easy installation, multiple shortcode in one plugin also easy setup functions. Use shortcode anywhere in your theme just copy your shortcode and replace into this "YOUR_SHORTCODE" area to your sh.........

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Countdown Clock

Display an animated countdown clock for an event of your choice. Select from a choice of countdown designs, colors and sizes. Choice of colors for texts and background, Choice of clock layouts, e.g. vertical or horizontal, Choice of animations and pictures, e.g. falling confetti background, Set th.........

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Waiting : One-click Countdowns

We didn't create another countdown plugin for no reason. Demos available while creating / editing, you click on any of them and boom, a new countdown. Then enter a date or a certain duration to countdown to.(i.e YYYY/MM/DD or certain seconds from page load). Features: Smart defaults. Unlimited .........

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Page Expiration Robot - Countdown Timer

Double (even TRIPLE!) your conversions by setting up countdown timed-offers, one time offers and schedule pages and posts to expire (on visitor-by-visitor basis) and redirect expired visitors to a different offer or URL. You can add an attention-grabbing live countdown timer that will show visitors .........

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WordPress Countdown Timer

This plugin adds a countdown timer to your webpage with the use of a shortcode. In Settings > WP Countdown Timer, set the datetime you want to count down towards and save. Use the shortcode [countdown] on any page to display the countdown timer....

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This is a free platform plugin that includes the following free extensions: Countdown, Forms, Modal Windows, Side Menu & Viral Signup. This plugin can be extended with the pro extension versions, which include more functionality & styling options. The great thing about this plugin is that it.........

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