CSRHub Sustainability Ratings widget

The CSRHub Sustainability Rating widget was created to enrich and enhance your Web-based projects.

Use the CSRHub Sustainability Rating widget to access corporate social responsibility and sustainability ratings and information on nearly 5,000 companies from 135 industries in 65 countries. Bloggers, managers, researchers and activists use CSRHub to benchmark company performance, learn how stakeholders evaluate company CSR practices and seek ways to change the world.

Bloggers can download the plugin and easily add a one-line code to embed the widget in their blog posts to highlight a company's social performance. For example, we use the widget in 2 locations on our own WordPress blog, one in our post, and one in the right sidebar, at http://www.csrhub.com/blog/2012/08/residential-solar-comes-of-age.html

Or, download the plugin and using your WordPress dashboard widget area, drag the widget to the desired location in your template and add the widget to your website. Adjust the settings as desired.

We offer 4 sizes to choose from, 170x200px, 300x400px, 300x300px, and 650x100px. See Our Widget and API page to review the available sizes and options, http://www.csrhub.com/content/our-widget-and-api and http://www.csrhub.com/content/sustainability-rating-widget

See our Quick Guide page for complete WordPress installation instructions at http://www.csrhub.com/content/sustainability-rating-widget-quick-guide

**Please note: **

To ensure the latest information, the CSRHub Sustainability Rating widget data (updated monthly) is pulling from CSRHub servers (www.csrhub.com). You may click on a linked company name or industry within the widget and go to the CSRHub site for more detailed information.

Search terms entered into the widget, are collected anonymously. We do not tie search terms to any particular user. We do know which blog/widget instances certain terms come from, which we feel is pretty standard.

The CSRHub Sustainability Rating widget code can be used for http and https.

Option 1

You can place our Sustainability Ratings widget on any page you would like. Just place the following tag, [csrhubwidget] with the required parameters into the page contents.

For example: [csrhubwidget company="Google-Inc" size="170x200"]

Using the tag will display our 170x200 sized widget displaying Google's company information.

Here are some of the parameters you may use:

  • teaser="no" to use the Full size widget (300x300) without the top and bottom 5 companies of our Teaser size widget.
  • size="650x100" or size="170x200", without specifying a size, the widget will show as the Teaser size (300x400px). See the available sizes.
  • company=" " parameter. You can change the company listed in the widget to match your blog post or article by simply entering the company name as it shows in the CSRHub database by following steps 2-5 in the Override section in the quick guide at http://www.csrhub.com/content/sustainability-rating-widget-quick-guide

Option 2

You can also place our widget into any widget area provided by your WordPress theme. Navigate to Appearance -> Widgets. You will see the CSRHub widget in the Available widgets area. Simply drag and drop the CSRHub widget into any widget area on the screen. You will then see widget settings and the related help tips.


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