Current Moon Information

This plugin creates widget which shows useful moon information such as the phase and visibility.

For more information about the mon calendar, please visit

Moon Calendar Widget

(Français) Ce widget vous permet d'afficher le calendrier lunaire du jour sur votre site. Les informations suivantes sont affichées : - date (ex: Mercredi 14 Août) - phase de la lune (image de la lune) - heure de lever / coucher - si la lune est croissante / décroissante - si la lune est montante .........

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Moon Phase Widget

This widget displays the current moon phase, with fullness percentage. Clean, simple, and responsive design fits well with any theme Keeps users coming back to your site. Works equally well on desktop or mobile. Please support us by enabling a "Powered by" link....

Similar: 10%

Moon Phases

Adds a sidebar widget that display the current moon phase. The plugin can also display in which zodiac sign the moon is, how old the moon is and details like distance, ecliptic latitude and ecliptic longitude. In addition of English, the plugin comes with various translations: Bulgarian Dutch Fre.........

Similar: 9%

Elegant Calendar

The calendar plugin is a simple & elegant widget designed for all wordpress sites/blogs. After plugin activation you will be automatically redirected to your widgets page so you can configure the The Calendar widget in your sidebar. That simple! If you need help with the plugin or you want to .........

Similar: 5%

Bible Verse of the Day

This plugins shows a daily bible verse or a random bible verse from The verses are from the NIV or KJV translation. It can be used as a widget, so it's easy to install. After installing the plugin you will have two widgets: 'Bible verse of the day' and 'Random bible verse'. You can.........

Similar: 4%

Calendar Widget

Add calendar in your website using shortcode or by drag and drop from your widget sidebar. Write your title, time slot, notes, date and let your visitors see when you are available for them using the sidebar widget calendar. For individuals and business users can see which date and time you are fr.........

Similar: 4%

Show/Hide Content at Set Time

Like this plugin? Consider leaving a quick review or writing about how you've used it on your site - send me a link to that write up if you do. This plugin is maintained on GitHub, so feel free to use the repository for reporting issues, submitting feature requests and submitting pull requests. Th.........

Similar: 4%


This plugin displays the number of years, months, days, hours and minutes since a post or a page was published or modified, or a comment was published, in the same format as Facebook, Twitter etc. Examples are "Just now" (less than a minute ago), "47 minutes ago" (less than an hour ago), "3 hours ag.........

Similar: 3%

Widget Visibility Time Scheduler

The plugin is available in English, Spanish (Español), German (Deutsch), Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), Persian (Farsi), Hungarian (Magyar) and Arabic (العربية)....

Similar: 3%

WP247 Body Classes

Add unique classes to the body tag for easy styling based on post attributes (post type, slug, and ID) and various WordPress "is" functions: wp_is_mobile() is_home() is_front_page() is_blog() is_admin() is_admin_bar_showing() is_404() is_super_admin() is_user_logged_in() is_search() is_archive() i.........

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