Custom Category Template

Simple lightweight plugin that lets you select a specific template for a category each, just like page template

any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

check out my other plugins

REAL Archive Pages List

Most of themes have original one category templates as part of themes. With REAL Archive Plugin you can create as many category templates as you like and connect them with a specific category in. REAL Archive Plugin provides you for this a powerful backend in which you can customize the category pa.........

Similar: 75%

Template Base On Category

*new update: I come back and support old plugin, so this version is fixed many bug, please check out ! This plugin allow you to select the theme ( template ) base on category in edit or add Category screen in WordPress\'s admin and all the post in category will be change also. This plugin is safe .........

Similar: 34%

Custom Taxonomy Templates

Just like the way you can create custom page templates, this plugin enables you to build custom taaxonomy archive templates by adding this bit to the top of your file: <?php /** * {Taxonomy Singular Label} Template: Grid */ ?> where {Taxonomy Singular Label} should be replaced with the sin.........

Similar: 28%

Advanced Category Template

Custom templates is what you are working on if you are here to read about this plug-in. One challenge often faced by the WordPress developers is to implement the custom templates in the default categories as well as registered custom post_type categories in one go like page template. On the plug-in .........

Similar: 19%

Category Template Hierarchy

Adds several new templates to the template hierarchy: child-of-category-{slug}.php category-{slug}.php child-of-category-{id}.php category-{term_id}.php parent-category.php child-category.php category.php archive.php index.php This greatly extends the native hierarchy of theme templates with reg.........

Similar: 17%


This widget dynamically creates a list of posts from the active category. Displaying the first image and title in a scrolling list. It will display the first image in your post as a thumbnail,it looks first for an attached image, then an embedded image then if it finds the image, it grabs the thumbn.........

Similar: 9%

Q2W3 Post Order

This plugin is a descendant of a well known AStickyPostOrderER. Because it was not updated for a long time I decided to make an upgrade. Note! Original AStickyPostOrderER must be deactivated before Q2W3 Post Order installation! The main changes are: Since version 1.1.0 added ability to stylize .........

Similar: 9%

Related Posts via Categories

This Plugin will display the related posts list via categories. It can automatically display the related posts list after the content of any single post of selected post types by options. There are many options for the display, order, exclusion and post-type selection. This plugin works when viewing.........

Similar: 9%

Taxonomy Icons

Taxonomy Icons allows you to easily add icons to your taxononomy, category, and tag terms. The plugin automatically integrates the latest version of Font Awesome Icons, allowing you to choose from hundreds of icons to assign to your taxonomy terms....

Similar: 9%

Single-Term Taxonomies

Limit the taxonomy terms chosen for a post to maximum one. The Single-Term Taxonomies plugin replaces the standard checkboxes with radio buttons. Very helpful for taxonomies (like "brand" for example) where it is not appropriate to have more than one term picked. Works for both hierarchical and non.........

Similar: 9%