Custom Field Data Icons

With this plugin you will be able to show Classipress custom fields with icons on front page when listing ads. Some data can be important to the user, but users always have to click on an ad to see if specifications meet their expectations. And that can slow down your site. That's why I decided to create Custom Field Data Icons plugin.

When you setup a Classipress theme, you will probable use your own custom fields that are important for your site. This fields are used then mostly for searching and also displaying data.

With this plugin you will put custom fields with icons on front page, so the users can quickly see main specifications of the items being sold when scrolling trough ads.

You can see a working site with this functionality here.


Fields is a WordPress plugin that let you manage write panels in your write/edit page. Fields supports post types that can have UIs. With Fields, you can define boxes which appear in your write panels. A box can contain a number of groups which are sets of custom fields that you can define. Boxes a.........

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Custom Field Menu

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ACF YouTube Picker

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Smart Custom Fields

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Juiz User Custom Meta

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Advanced Custom Post Types

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Advanced Custom Fields Viewer

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Advanced Custom Fields: Tag It Field

Do you need to be able to select multiple bits of text but a repeater field is overkill? Use the Tag It field. This plugin brings Alex Ehlke's Tag It Field to ACF. This field currently includes the following options: available tags : Used as source for the autocompletion. The original jQuery UI.........

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User Meta Manager

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Custom Fields Search by BestWebSoft

This plugin allows you to add custom website search field in any post. It comes with a list of custom fields. All you need is to choose which of them you want to see in search. Make your site useful and effective with the Custom Field Search Plugin. Custom Fields Search by BestWebSoft Video ins.........

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