Custom Field Template

The Custom Field Template plugin adds the default custom fields on the Write Post/Page. The template format is almost same as the one of the rc:custom_field_gui plugin. The difference is following.

  • You can set any number of the custom field templates and switch the templates when you write/edit the post/page.
  • This plugin does not use the ini file for the template but set it in the option page of the plugin.
  • Support for TinyMCE in the textarea.
  • Support for media buttons in the textarea. - requires at least 2.5.
  • Support for multiple fields with the same key.
  • Support for hideKey and label options.
  • You can see the full option list in the setting page of the plugin.
  • You can customize the design of custom field template with css.
  • You can replace custom keys by labels.
  • You can use wpautop function.
  • You can use PHP codes in order to set values. (experimental, code = 0)
  • You can set an access user level in each field. (level = 1)
  • Supprt for inserting custom field values into tags automatically. (insertTag = true)
  • Adds [cft] Shortcode to display the custom field template. (only shows the attributes which have output = true)
  • Adds template instruction sections.
  • Adds the value label option for the case that values are diffrent from viewed values. (valueLabel = apples # oranges # bananas)
  • Adds the blank option. (blank = true)
  • Adds the break type. Set CSS of '#cft div'. (type = break)
  • Adds [cft] Shortcode Format.
  • Adds the sort option. (sort = asc, sort = desc, sort = order)
  • Support for Quick Edit of custom fields. (tinyMCE and mediaButton are not supported yet)
  • Support for the custom field search. (only shows the attributes which have search = true.)
  • Adds [cftsearch] Shortcode Format. (under development)
  • Adds PHP codes for the output value. (outputCode = 0)
  • Adds PHP codes before saving the values. (editCode = 0)
  • Adds the save functionality.
  • Adds the class option. (class = text)
  • Adds the auto hook of the_content(). (experimental)
  • You can use the HTML Editor in the textarea. (htmlEditor = true)
  • Adds the box title replacement option.
  • Adds the select option of the post type.
  • Adds the value count option.
  • Adds the option to use the shortcode in the widhet.
  • Adds the attributes of JavaScript Event Handlers. (onclick = alert('ok');)
  • Adds the Initialize button.
  • Adds the attributes of before and after text. (before = blah, after = blah)
  • Adds the export and import functionality.
  • Adds the style attribute. (style = color:#FF0000;)
  • Adds the maxlength attribute. (maxlength = 10)
  • Adds the attributes of multiple fields. (multiple = true, startNum = 5, endNum = 10, multipleButton = true)
  • Adds the attributes of the date picker in text type. (date = true, dateFirstDayOfWeek = 0, dateFormat = yyyy/mm/dd)
  • Adds the filter of page template file names (Thanks, Joel Pittet).
  • Adds the attribute of shortCode in order to output the shortcode filtered values. (shortCode = true)
  • Adds the attribute of outputNone in case there is no data to output. (outputNone = No Data)
  • Adds the attribute of singleList attribute in order to output with <ul><li> if the value is single. ex) singleList = true
  • Adds the file upload type. (type = file)
  • Adds the fieldset type. (type = fieldset_open, type = fieldset_close)
  • Adds the option to deploy the box in each template.


  • Belorussian (by_BY) - Marcis Gasuns
  • Catalan (ca) - Andreu Llos
  • Czech (cs_CZ) - Jakub
  • German (de_DE) - F J Kaiser
  • Spanish (es_ES) - Dario Ferrer
  • Farsi (fa_IR) - Mehdi Zare
  • French (fr_FR) - Nicolas Lemoine
  • Hungarian (hu_HU) - Balazs Kovacs
  • Indonesian (id_ID) - Masino Sinaga
  • Italian (it_IT) - Gianni Diurno
  • Japanese (ja) - Hiroaki Miyashita
  • Dutch (nl_NL) - Rene
  • Polish (pl_PL) - Difreo
  • Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) - Caciano Gabriel
  • Russian (ru_RU) - Sonika
  • Swedish (sv_SE) - Pontus Carlsson
  • Turkish (tr_TR) - Omer Faruk
  • Ukranian (uk_UA) - Andrew Kovalev
  • Uzbek (uz_UZ) - Alexandra Bolshova
  • Chinese (zh_CN) - hurri zhu

If you have translated into your language, please let me know.

  • Japanese Custom Field Template Manual

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