Custom Fields to Metaboxes

Allows you to match the custom fields of a post type to meta box fields. It will allow you to match the fields and then will automatically convert them.

Easy PayPal Custom Fields

This plugin makes adding a PayPal button to your site or blog very easy. There is no complicated shortcut syntax to remember (or to teach a client). You can select on which type of post (including custom post types) you'd like to display the button. There is a settings page for default values (use.........

Similar: 40%

Global Meta Box Order

Intuitively harmonize meta box positions and screen column layout for all backend users of your WordPress installation....

Similar: 34%

Developer's Custom Fields

This plugin is aimed at plugin and theme developers who want a set of tools that allows them to easily and flexibly define custom fields for all post types, and for user profiles. Full documentation at Code on GitHub. Issue tracking .........

Similar: 27%

WCK - Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Creator

WordPress Creation Kit consists of three tools that can help you create and maintain custom post types, custom taxonomies and most importantly, custom fields and metaboxes for your posts, pages or CPT's. WCK Custom Fields Creator offers an UI for setting up custom meta boxes with custom fields for .........

Similar: 21%

Simple Fields

Please note that Simple Fields is not actively developed anymore. The built in custom fields in WordPress are great, but they do come with a big limitation: they only support plain text. To overcome this limitation I created the Simple Fields WordPress plugin. With Simple Fields you can add for ex.........

Similar: 20%

Meta Box

Meta Box plugin provides powerful API to implement custom meta boxes and custom fields for any post type in WordPress. It extends the default WordPress functionality to add more flexible data to posts, pages or any custom post types which makes your website look like a professional Content Managemen.........

Similar: 18%

WPRS Data Transporter

This plugin allows you to transfer your inputs Schema markups for reviews and star ratings for Rich Snippets data from one theme/plugin to another. We all know how difficult it can be to switch between platforms. This plugin remedies that. Just choose what platform your moving away from, platform.........

Similar: 13%

WP DB Booster

WP DB Booster will help you to clean up, optimize and analyze your WordPress database with few clicks. You can clean up and optimize more than 20 various data types including orphan and duplicate metadata that can bloat your database. If you edit your posts or pages WordPress creates revision each .........

Similar: 10%

My Custom Theme Values

This plugin will provide user to use the custom dynamic values anywhere on the site by editing code OR by simply using short code that you can see the details on the plug-in setting page....

Similar: 7%

TR WP Custom Login Page

TR WP Custom Login Page by WP Custom Login Page allows to you change your unlimited custom logo,unlimited custom text,unlimited custom background color,unlimited custom body background color easily.After publishing this plugin people enjoy custom wp login page smoothly. It's re.........

Similar: 4%