Custom Global Variables

Create your own custom variables to manage information on your website such as:

  • Phone numbers
  • Addresses
  • Social media links
  • HTML snippets
  • And anything else

Easily access them globally in WordPress and PHP.

Custom Options

Allows you to create custom options that you can easily update via the Options administration panel and also allows you to use mentioned options in your theme using a simple PHP function: get_custom_option ( $slug [, $default_value, $field ] ) By default, only Administrators can change Custom Opti.........

Similar: 100%

Custom Options Plus

Custom Options Plus is the easiest way to add your custom variables as a Settings Page for your Theme. It's very useful for beginners or who doesn't want to create a settings page as a plugin. If you are not a expertise in PHP, just follow the instructions following the FAQ tab. You can for exampl.........

Similar: 40%

bbP Toolkit

Swiss knife Toolkit for bbPress. Set global options and style your forums. On your Dashboard: Tools > bbP Toolkit OR From the Plugins page : Click Settings just under the plugin name Current features: Close forums to new topics (only replies on current topics allowed) aka protected forums R.........

Similar: 34%

Generate Shortcode

Generate Shortcode Create and Generate your Shortcodes easily, create google adsense shortcodes, unlimited shortcodes, no options and easy to use....

Similar: 30%

Global Content Blocks

Global Content Blocks lets you create your own shortcodes to insert reusable code snippets, PHP or HTML including forms, opt-in boxes, iframes, Adsense code, etc, into pages and posts as well as widgets and directly into php content. You can insert them directly using shortcodes or via a button in .........

Similar: 14%

TT - Subscribe

Simple, minimal, customizable, responsive and mobile-ready social media subscription box. Includes only the latest and major social media networks according to Forbes namely Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Google+ and Feedburner. Widget and shortcode ready. Nothing can go wrong with your soci.........

Similar: 11%

Ajax Admin

Ajax Admin Save settings and posts using Ajax! Fast and easy, no options.. just activate plugin! translation ready with POT file, RTL Support, Arabic language included....

Similar: 11%


Fade Add fade effect to wordpress easily, CSS3 only, without JavaScript! custom fade color and time, easy to use, compatible with all major browsers....

Similar: 10%

The Related Posts

The Related Posts Add related posts after content automatically, related posts by tags, full customize, easy to use....

Similar: 8%

The Media Widget

The Media Widget Display media in text widget easily, youtube video, vimeo video, instagram image, easy to use just paste link! fully responsive and custom height....

Similar: 8%