Custom Post Type Privacy

This is a simple plugin to allow for restricting access to content.

Users may be members of multiple groups. Multiple groups and multiple individual users may be allowed to view each post. Overlaps are ignored -- if the user is a member of any group that is allowed to view the post, that user will be able to view it.

WP Sentry

This is a simple plugin to allow for access-restricted posting, allowing bloggers to discuss sensitive subjects without Google or the world finding the post. After plugin activation, an administration panel is added to your "Users" and "Plugins" tabs, allowing you to create user groups and manage .........

Similar: 89%

User Access Shortcodes

This is the most simple way of controlling who sees what in your posts/pages. This plugin adds a button to your post editor, allowing you to restrict content to logged in users only (or guests) with a simple shortcode. What you see is what you get, and it’s totally free....

Similar: 28%

CaPa Protect

CaPa provides Category & Pages protection on a roles & user basis. Posts in a protected Category or Pages will not be visible unless the user or role has privileges to see it. For Information CaPa Role & User Access. Further Information coming soon…...

Similar: 24%

Private! WordPress Access Control Manager

Private! makes it possible to build private blogs for your friends, family or your business. But Private! can do much more for you!...

Similar: 23%

Custom Login Page Styler - Admin login page

Give your admin login , login , registration and password recovey pages new customized look in few minutes zero coding skill required. Create your own custom login page or Admin login with custom login page styler ,Easy to use no coding skills required for customization. Create beautiful custom l.........

Similar: 5%

AS login

Create your own custom login page use this Plugin. Customize your login page as you choice. Plugin Features !!!!! 1.Easy to use. 2.Plugin on/off. 3.Change Logo Link. 4.Change Logo Width. 5.Unlimited custom logo. 6.Unlimited color. 7.Change Login box width. 8.Change text color and many more....

Similar: 5%

As Nice Scroll

As nice scroll is a jquery plugin for WordPress site. This plugin will create a nice scrollbar for your site. After installing and Activating the plugin, go to WordPress Admin Dahsbord and then go to Appearance > As option Here you can customize default settings. So customize settings as you choi.........

Similar: 5%

As woocomerce with owl carousel

As woocommerce with owl carousel is a jquery plugin for WordPress site. This plugin will create a nice carousel for your site. After installing and Activating the plugin, go to WordPress Admin Dahsbord and then go to Appearance > As option Here you can create Shortcode and publish a carousel .........

Similar: 4%

WP App Studio

WP App Studio allows you to build advanced sites in the form of WordPress plugins without writing a single line of PHP code. WP App Studio Plugin is the tool you use to design your plugin and send it for code generation. Create your own plugin and move on....

Similar: 3%

WPVKP Custom Login Page

This easy to use plugin gives you the power to convert the boring wordpress login page with much more attractive and personalized login page. This plugin helps to improve your brand authority and also helps to improve user experince. Now can customize the logo, the background, the login button and v.........

Similar: 2%