Custom Styling (for developers)

Ever want a place where you can put your custom CSS/JS/JQ that would never get over-written? That's exactly what this plugin does. Even if your theme has a designated area for saving custom CSS/JS/JQ, some other reason you should consider this plugin are:

  • Input areas allow for tab indentation.
  • Doesn't force you to pay for anything, doesn't ask for donations, and doesn't generate any "nags". User-experience comes first.
  • Ability to save a second, minified version of your CSS/JS/JQ that's only loaded by the browser and doesn't replace your human-readable code.
  • Ability to enable Browser caching. This means that the user's browser will always pull their copy of this CSS/JS/JQ file from its cache instead of asking the server each time.
  • The dynamically-generated filename includes a timestamp of the last time the code was updated. This is done so that updated code is always displayed immediately, even with browser caching enabled.
  • Allows for an alternative domain so that you may use a CDN or Cookieless domain.
  • Uses PHP namespaces to ensure that there are no plugin conflicts.

I also want to give a special "Thank You" to Joe Scylla (for creating an open-source CSS minifier in PHP) and Robert Hafner (for creating an open-source JS minifier in PHP).

My Custom CSS

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