Custom WP Update Message

This plugin allows you to customize the WordPress update message shown when a new version of WordPress is available. This plugin is targeted toward web developers who want to provide support to their clients when updates are available, and prevent clients from accidentally breaking the site via updates. Developers can enter their contact information, and a personalized message to be shown when the update is available. Finally, developers can also determine which types of users see the upgrade message and which do not.

Disable WordPress Core Updates

Completely disables the core update checking system in WordPress. This prevents WordPress from checking for core updates, and prevents any notifications from being displayed in the admin area. Ideal for administrators of multiple WordPress installations....

Similar: 34%

Disable WordPress Core Update Email

Disables the default notification email sent by WordPress for an automatic core update. Simply activate the plugin to disable the notification email :) Disable WordPress Core Update Email Plugin homepage. More WordPress Plugins. Peadig: A WordPress Bootstrap theme framework. ...

Similar: 20%

Disable Updates

This plugin disables all WordPress updates (core, plugins and themes). This can be useful if you have multiple environments such as a live and staging server and you don't want your users to use the update functionality. This plugin not only disables the update mechanism for the core, plugins and t.........

Similar: 17%

Disable Update Notifications

This plugin will completely disables the wordpress core update notification and plugins update notification update notification system by WordPress....

Similar: 17%