Debug Bar Query Count Alert

Replaces the default text in the Debug Bar button (which is "Debug Bar" by default in English) with the page's query count and total sql time. The button will be red if there were more than 200 queries or they took more than 1 second to run, and orange if the page required more than 100 queries or took more than 0.5 seconds to run.

Requires the Debug Bar plugin and for the constant SAVEQUERIES to be true.

Inspired by the Admin Bar on VIP, which offers similar functionality.

PMC Benchmark

This plugin is to lookup which hooks are slow in execution in plugins and current theme. This plugin needs Debug Bar plugin to be installed and activated. It adds a panel labelled "PMC Benchmark" in it. This plugin is for use in development environment only and not meant for use in a production en.........

Similar: 43%

P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)

This plugin creates a profile of your WordPress site's plugins' performance by measuring their impact on your site's load time.  Often times, WordPress sites load slowly because of poorly configured plugins or because there are so many of them. By using the P3 plugin, you can narrow down anything ca.........

Similar: 34%

Query Monitor

Query Monitor is a debugging plugin for anyone developing with WordPress. It has some advanced features not available in other debugging plugins, including automatic AJAX debugging, REST API debugging, and the ability to narrow down things by plugin or theme. For complete information, please see Qu.........

Similar: 34%

What's running

Only for development!Now with OPcache memory consumption support This plugin dumps the colorized filenames and memory consumptions or file sizes after the normal WordPress HTML output, after the closing html tag. This generates invalid HTML but gives you an overview of loaded plugins and the curren.........

Similar: 30%

MySQL Profiler

MySQL Profiler displays debugging information about SQL queries to admin WordPress users. For each query, the profiler displays the time, syntax-highlighted SQL, and a trace of the functions (as well as the file and line number that the functions were called from) that were called. The list can be.........

Similar: 28%

Kint Debugger

Kint Debugger is a simple WordPress wrapper for Kint, a debugging tool to output information about variables and traces. Debugging is presented in a styled, collapsible format that is easy on the eyes. Kint Debugger plays nice with the Debug Bar plugin by creating its own panel to display your debug.........

Similar: 24%

Log Deprecated Notices Extender

This developer-oriented WordPress plugin extends Log Deprecated Notices to show a link in the WP 3.3+ Toolbar. Based on Andrew Nacin's Log Deprecated Notices This plugin is built and maintained by Joachim Kudish. Follow development, fork and contribute on github...

Similar: 19%

ManageWP Worker

ManageWP is a revolutionary service designed to automate most of your daily tasks when managing multiple WordPress websites, allowing you to use your time on more important matters....

Similar: 8%

Admin Flush W3TC Cache

Adds "Empty All Caches" link to the top of every Admin page. Clicking the link clears all caches and returns you to your current page. No need to go to Performance options anymore, just clear the cache from wherever you are. Requires the W3 Total Cache plugin, so make sure it is installed and activ.........

Similar: 4%

BulletProof Security

BulletProof Security Feature Highlights One-Click Setup Wizard jQuery UI Dialog Form Uninstall Options: BPS Pro upgrade uninstallation or complete BPS plugin uninstallation .htaccess Website Security Protection (Firewalls) Login Security & Monitoring Idle Session Logout (ISL) Auth Cookie Expir.........

Similar: 3%