Digg Buttons

The simplest way to add Digg Buttons to your WordPress blog. Just activate the plugin and start getting dugg on Digg for posts on your blog. People will be sharing your posts on Digg before you know it and giving you more traffic and readers on your site.

No complicated setup or mess of settings. Just activate and you're done!

You have the option to add the Digg Button at the top of your posts or at the bottom. This setting is available on the "Reading" page of your settings in your WordPress admin panel. It will default to the bottom of the post.


Socialize is an easy way to selectively add actionable social sharing buttons to your posts. You can add sharing buttons in two places: Inside the content (aligned left or right) In a box below the content The plugin was designed to make managing and adding actionable social sharing buttons eas.........

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uFave Social Bookmarking Widget

The uFave button makes easier for your users to bookmark and share your articles with other people. With simple 1 click - install, it...

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El club de la Noticia

English This plugin adds an icon to share elclubdelanoticia.cl news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons....

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Simple Social - Sharing Widgets & Icons

This plugin adds a set of cool icons and widgets at the end of your post for your readers to share. Widgets are Twitter and Facebook. It supports large icons and small icons....

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Share+ by Grouptivity

For Your Readers Empower your readers with a social tool for sharing, saving and discovering new content with the click of a button. Our plugin provides social features for sharing content across all major social bookmarking sites and a clipping feature for adding text, images and personalized messa.........

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Dropdown Social Share menu

Media social share icon with dropdown menu facebook, twitter, digg, stumbleupon, buzz, google buzz and more.... http://wordpressplugin.us/social-share-wordpress-plugin-5/...

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WordPress Pluso

  Get more traffic back to your site by installing the WordPress Pluso plugin Wordpress Pluso is a plugin to add social buttons to the WordPress site. You can choose from different russian and international social networks and configure the style of buttons. For example, you can change size, color, .........

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AddToAny Share Buttons

The AddToAny WordPress sharing plugin helps people share your posts and pages to any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, and over 100 more sharing and social media sites & apps. AddToAny is the universal sharing platform, and AddToAny's plu.........

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Social Share Pop

That I believe if life gives you lemons, make lemonade ... You should try to find somebody And Whose Life has Given them vodka, and have a party. It is a tool of social networks to counter your post. It has the following counters Facebook Twitter Google Plus ...

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Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

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