DirectoryEngine Counter

The feature displays the view count is not yet a reality in DirectoryEngine theme - a theme of EngineTheme. In the meantime, this plugin will help you to do that.

After installing the plugin, you will see in your theme to add some view appears in the right-bottom corner of place item ( in place list ).

This plugin does not create metadata for the post, but it will create a new table in your database, and saved views in this view. This is a good solution for the future development. When we can save many more metadata.

Demo : Địa Điểm Phật Giáo

Sayfa Sayac

Display view count of posts. Statistic Types; Least Viewed for Total Least Viewed for Today Most Viewed for Today Most Viewed for Today Last Viewed Posts Supported cache functions; Memcache xCache Alternative PHP Cache (APC) eAccelerator Support JSON format for ajax applications. And more .........

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Simple Post Views Counter

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View Post counter

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Twitter Counter Cache-rizer

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Decon Character Counter

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Counter - Flag Counter

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Count Posts in a Category, Tag, or Custom Taxonomy

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BlogBuzzTime for WP

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Thank You Counter Button

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Clik stats

clikStats is a plugin that automatically detects the current links within each post. ClikStats is retrofitable, and requires no special provision from any classes or code. Once activated, clikStats will compile who, when, what data which can be viewed through the back office. The beauty of this p.........

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