=== Display Site Numbers ===


The widget will show (and automatically update) the following site-content counters:

  • Categories count
  • Posts count
  • Pages count
  • Images count
  • Tags count
  • Comments count
  • Authors count

In the admin backend, user can select what counter(s) to display.

Right Now Reloaded

Sick of the "Right Now" dashboard widget not showing useful information about your site? "Right Now Reloaded" solves that. The default Right Now widget shows only information on posts, pages, categories, tags, widgets, and comments. That's great if you're running a standard blog, but what if you do.........

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NOTE: ZIGOUT REQUIRES PHP 5.3! ZigOut gives you a simple widget that shows the OUT Campaign's Atheist "A" on your sidebar or other widget area, with various options available to customise it. For further information and support, please visit the ZigOut home page....

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About Instagram Plugin With over 200 million users, Instagram is one of the fastest growing social networks in the world. Utilizing this social network is very important. That is why it is so important to be able to connect Instagram to your WordPress sites. This plugin will help you to make beauti.........

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Contact Info Widget

Contact Info Contact Info shows a widget with contact info like company, address, email, phone and website. Widget Can be displayed on every widget position like footer, header or sidebar....

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HITS- Pages By Role

Pages By Role gives designers the ability to add pages to a widget while specifying what WordPress roles are required to view the link. From a drop down you can select the page, user role and optional override text for each link you want to have displayed....

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WP User Avatar

WordPress currently only allows you to use custom avatars that are uploaded through Gravatar. WP User Avatar enables you to use any photo uploaded into your Media Library as an avatar. This means you use the same uploader and library as your posts. No extra folders or image editing functions are nec.........

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SAPE Links

This plugin is in Russian language only.Что нового в версии 0.5 Возможность размещения ссылок в блочном виде — смотрите настройки виджета Правильный вывод счетчика sape отдельно от ссылок в подвале сайта Автоматическое скрытие виджета со страницы при отсутствии ссылок .........

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The counter is simple, it can track: Online Users Pageviews Unique Hits Online Users You may also modify the Counter Widget from english to any language fast and easy. If you need help with the plugin or you want to report a bug please refer to http://seo.uk.net/stat-counter/...

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1-click Retweet/Share/Like

Shows following 8 buttons on your blog posts: Google +1 Facebook Like Facebook Share Twitter button LinkedIn Share StumbleUpon Email AND, Facebook Recommendations in the Widgets Sidebar Demo the plugin at - http://dev30.linksalpha.com/?p=8 Plugin also enables you to Automatically Publish or Se.........

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Analytics Stats Counter Statistics

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