Easy Charts

This plugin is a easy to use and powerful way to generate charts to show on your website page and posts. Charts created using this plugin are simple to create, easy to manage.

Charts are created using SVG and CSS3 transitions; so are interactive. This plugin is developed using uvCharts javascript library http://imaginea.github.io/uvCharts/index.html.

WP Visual User Activity

The vision for this plug-in is to have a configurable set of visual user activity plots. At the moment it plots 2 pies charts with the user activity in a selected period of time: Comment activity in period (how many comments users left): how many users made 1 comment, how many users made 2 commen.........

Similar: 38%


Google Trends is an extremely simple plugin that'll generate Google Trends graph(s) on your website for up to 5 search terms on a single chart. Features include: Specify the height and width of the graph. Compare up to 5 search terms in the same query on the same chart. Compare search terms globa.........

Similar: 29%

Chart Expert

PmZez Chart Expert by http://pmzez.com/plugins/chart-expert/ Chart Expert gives some classes to each element when generating, so you can define a custom style by the class and it's possible to extend the structure directly by D3 and C3. Go to TinyMCE Editor >> Find chart icon and generate ch.........

Similar: 25%

Plot Over Time - Extended

I have used Plot Over Time for a long time when found that I needed to put multiple charts on one page and category restrictions. The plugin did not allow it. I am insistent on not needing a new plugin - as this one has worked just fine for me… So, I made changes. My first change is small in user e.........

Similar: 23%

Post Popularity Chart Widget

Post Popularity Chart Widget, by which you display a graph with statistics of visits of any article on your site. Widget on an ongoing basis collects data on visits selected by you posts and displays them in a clear and legible graphic chart. Widget is very simple to configure and accompanying docum.........

Similar: 23%

WP Beautiful Charts

Create beautiful charts for your webiste or blog. Here some exemples : http://www.info-d-74.com/wp-beautiful-charts-demos/...

Similar: 21%

Charts Ninja: Create and add Chart & Graphs to your website on-the-fly

ChartsNinja Charts Ninja is a super powerful tool for adding beautiful graphs and charts to your website. Charts Ninja's charts are responsive, meaning, they will be displayed properly on all devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. See thousands of graphs and charts .........

Similar: 18%

POWr Graph

Graphs and charts for any website! POWr Graph is a free cloud-based plugin you can edit in your live web page. Create a POWr account to access the entire plugin library. First, download, install, and activate POWr Graph. Then drop the widget anywhere in your theme. Or add to a page/post with th.........

Similar: 17%

WF Magnific Lightbox

WF Magnific Lightbox is the wunderfarm-way to show your images in a truly responsive lightbox. Very easy, 100% responsive, fast and SEO-friendly!...

Similar: 10%

WF Cookie Consent

WF Cookie Consent shows the user a clear message that the site uses cookies. This plugin supports multi-language installations with the polylang-plugin from Chouby or WPML-plugin from wpml.org. It has a wide array of settings for controlling the style and contents. WF Cookie Consent is the "wunder.........

Similar: 8%