Easy Query

By : dcooney

As of October 21st, 2015 the free version Easy Query will no longer be supported. The plugin will continue to function as usual, however anyone wishing to receive updates and new features is encouraged to upgrade to Easy Query Pro.

Create complex queries using our Custom Query Builder then add the generated shortcode to your pages via the content editor or directly into your template files using our WP_Query Generator.

AY Term Meta

Activate the plugin and add some code to your functions.php Basic function : AyTermMeta::addMeta($term, $name, $label, $type = 'input', $description = '', $options = array()) {} Generate all meta management in WordPress Admin Advanced functions : You can use term_meta functions similar to post.........

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Ajax Load More

Ajax Load More is a robust and intuitive solution for infinite scrolling posts, custom post types and pages with Ajax powered queries. Build complex WordPress queries using the Ajax Load More custom shortcode builder then add the shortcode to your pages via the content editor or directly into your .........

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Count Posts in a Category, Tag, or Custom Taxonomy

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on monolingual website (blog or CMS) xili-tidy-tags is a tool for grouping tags by semantic groups and sub-groups. This tags aggregator can also, by instance, be used to group tags according two or more main parts of the CMS website. It is also possible to create group of tags in parallel of catego.........

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Related Posts by Taxonomy

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Ajax Load More Post

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WC Load More Product

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SEO Internal Link Shortcode

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Display posts in grid layout without coding - Content Views

Do you want to display most recent posts on any WordPress page in responsive, customizable Grid layout? Or: display posts by any category, tag, author, keyword display posts in order of title, date, ID display posts with nice pagination display thumbnail in different size than 150x150 or 300x300 .........

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Import CSV with Ultimate CSV Importer

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