
By : Netville

워드프레스 게시판은 워드프레스 다워야 한다.

  • e-BBSmate 자신의 스타일에 맞게 손쉬운 스타일 변경이 가능합니다.
  • 마우스로 선택하는것 만으로 자동으로 CSS를 생성 합니다.
  • 기본 사용자 역할의 권한은 물론 커스텀 사용자 역할 또한 게시판별 권한 설정이 가능합니다.
  • 게시판별 권한은 물론 게시판내 분류 항목별로 권한 부여가 가능합니다.

e-BBSmate 는 GPLv2 라이센스로 기업 및 개인 누구나 이용하실수 있습니다.

Tweet Board

TweetBoard is a simple widget which lets you present your latest tweets in widget areas. You can: add twitter username set whether the date is shown set the number of shown tweets edit display colors ...

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Pins Widget

Take a look at the features and benefits sure to be appreciated with the Pinterest Widget The Pinterest Widget has a great design -all that is visible is a icon for Pinterest until the visitor hovers over the page. Once this is done the Widget widget will pop out and present your Pinterest Widget..........

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Mang Board WP

Mang Board WP란?? Mang Board WP는 워드프레스 플러그인 형태로 제공되는 프로그램으로 자료실 게시판, 갤러리(Gallery) 게시판, 캘린더(Calendar) 게시판, 회원관리, 통계관리, 쇼핑몰, 소셜로그인, 소셜공유, 검색엔진최적화(SEO) 등의 다양한 기능을 제공합니다. Mang Board 의 장점 빠르게 변화하는 기술, 플랫.........

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WS Admin Bar Hide

WS Admin Bar Hide provides easy way to hide your wordpress admin bar....

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GTranslate - Google Translate

This module uses Google Translate automatic translation service to translate your web page with Google power. With 81 available languages your site will be available to more than 98% of internet users. Please use GTranslate Forum for your questions and support requests! Hides "Suggest better tran.........

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WS Twitter Tweets Widget

Our WS Twitter Tweets Widget provides easy to add twitter recent tweets on your WordPress site. To find your oauth access and consumer tokens You will need a Twitter account. If you don’t already have one, create an account. Go to https://dev.twitter.com and log-in. Click “My Applic.........

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Stop SOPA by Zachary

The site will look dark and will have just one spot of light. This spot of light will move with the mouse cursor, and the message will be revealed....

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Disable Comments | WPZest

Disable Comments WPZ is a powerful and easy to use plugin, it allows administrators to globally or individually disable comments on any post type in one click (posts, pages, attachments(media), etc.) But sometimes you feel that some specific posts comments should be Turned on, this following featu.........

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PDImageAnimation displays thumbnails and animations of new freely available open-content images from the slideshow community site slideshine.de. Different view modes are supported. Furthermore it provides some information about the author and statistics for the corresponding slideshow. The look an.........

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CM Answers

CM Answers is a plugin for WordPress that enables users to post questions and answers (Q&A) in a Stackoverflow style. Plugin also includes social media registration using Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+, Twitter & Microsoft Live authentication. The CM Answers discussion forum plugin has many o.........

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