Enlighter - Customizable Syntax Highlighter

Enlighter is a free, easy-to-use, syntax highlighting tool for WordPress. It's build in PHP and uses the MooTools(Javascript) based EnlighterJS to provide a beautiful code-appearance. Using it can be as simple as selecting an editor style or adding shortcode around your scripts which you want to highlight and Enlighter takes care of the rest. An easy to use Theme-Customizer is included to modify the build-in themes without any css knowlegde! It also supports the automatic creation of tab-panes to display code-groups together (useful for multi-language examples - e.g. html+css+js) Theme Demo - Language Examples

Syntax Highlighter for WordPress

This plugin easily integrates the SyntaxHighlighter by Alex Gorbatchev into WordPress. Supports AS3, Bash, C, C++, C#, ColdFusion, CSS, Delphi, diff, Erlang, Groovy, Java, JavaScript, JavaFX, Perl, PHP, Plain Text, Python, PowerShell, Ruby, Scala, SQL, VB, VB.NET, XML, and (X)HTML. Feature summary .........

Similar: 60%


WP-Syntax provides clean syntax highlighting using GeSHi -- supporting a wide range of popular languages. It supports highlighting with or without line numbers and maintains formatting while copying snippets of code from the browser. It avoids conflicts with other 3rd party plugins by running an e.........

Similar: 60%

Short Syntax Highlighter Shortcode

Short Syntax Highlighter allows you to easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without losing it's formatting or making any manual changes. Without adding any JS or css file in your theme. This plugin will help you to highlight the code systax. Step by step installation instructions >&.........

Similar: 47%


Uses highlight.js. 26 themes included. 55 languages supported (54 from highlight.js + 1 for nginx commands). Auto-detects language. Super-optimised, only loads js for the language. Adds buttons to tinyMCE for ease of adding code blocks. Optimised code with minimal overheads. All code on Github. ...

Similar: 45%

SyntaxHighlighter - Spacegray

A nice Color Scheme for "SyntaxHighlighter Evolved" based on "Spacegray", the lovely Theme for Sublime Text 2/3. Spacegray for Sublime Text 2/3 is here: https://github.com/kkga/spacegray...

Similar: 38%

Syntax Highlighter for WP Editor

An easy to use WordPress plugin that replaces the default Theme and Plugin Source Code Editor with an enhanced editor by a CodeMirror library. The WordPress default Theme Editor (in Appearance => Editor) and Plugin Editor (in Plugins => Editor) is great for doing some custom changes to your Th.........

Similar: 31%

Power Code Editor

Helps you more effectively edit your themes or plugins when you only have access to a browser, by enabling syntax highlighting in WordPress' integrated source code editors. Supports PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Please provide any feedback at http://anetech.eu/power-code-editor/ Everything is don.........

Similar: 25%

Easy Code Placement

Easy Code Placement provides a very easy way to place any Code where you want to have it. - You can use the WordPress Text Widget with an Shortcode in it or just place a Shortcode anywhere in Posts/Pages to display your code where you want to have it....

Similar: 15%

Ultimate TinyMCE

Note: The end of Ultimate TinymceThis plugin will not work properly on WordPress versions 3.9 and above...

Similar: 11%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 6%