Entry Expiration for Gravity Forms

When integrating Gravity Forms with a third-party service, it's often not necessary to keep entries around after a short period of time as you already have the data imported elsewhere.

Entry Expiration for Gravity Forms allows you to automatically delete Gravity Forms entries older than a defined timeframe. After activating the plugin, set the oldest age for an entry on the Entry Expiration Settings page. At midnight, the plugin will delete all entries on enabled forms that are older than the time you set.

Gravity Forms Auto Placeholders

Automatically converts all Gravity Form labels into HTML5 placeholders. Includes Modernizr to add placeholder support to Internet Explorer....

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Pardakhtpal for Gravity Forms

پرداخت اینترنتی وجه به وسیله درگاه پرداخت واسطه پرداخت پال این افزونه شما را قادر می سازد تا براحتی اقدام به ایجاد درگاه پرداخت اینترنتی بانک پرداخت پال برای پرداخت های محصولات Gravity Forms کنید .........

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MailChimp Integration for WordPress

FuseForms MailChimp Integration for WordPress is the easiest way to sync your contacts from your forms to a MailChimp list of your choosing....

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OptionTree Extension: Gravity Forms

Integrate Gravity Forms with Option Tree, and add support for yourself or your customers to easily link to Gravity Forms from your Option Tree options panel....

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Sliced Invoices & Gravity Forms

Imagine having a form on your website that allows your visitors to basically create their own quotes! All you need to do once they have submitted the form is to edit the quote, read the description of work they require and then set your pricing. All of their client data has already been captured an.........

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Gravity Forms DPS PxPay

Gravity Forms DPS PxPay adds a credit card payment gateway for DPS PxPay to the Gravity Forms plugin. build online donation forms build online booking forms build simple Buy Now forms NB: this plugin extends Gravity Forms; you still need to install and activate Gravity Forms! ...

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iContact for Gravity Forms

The best way to integrate with iContact Integrate your Gravity Forms forms so that when users submit a form entry, the entries get added to iContact. Link any field type with iContact, including custom fields....

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Forms: 3rd-Party Dynamic Fields

Using pre-configured placeholders like ##UID##, ##REFERER##, or ##SITEURL##, add dynamic fields to the normally map-only or static-only Forms: 3rdparty Integration plugin....

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Forms: 3rd-Party File Attachments

Exposes file upload/attachments to the regular service mapping of Forms 3rdparty Integration. From discussion at https://github.com/zaus/forms-3rdparty-integration/issues/40....

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Gravity Forms Mad Mimi Add-on

This plugin requires the amazing Gravity Forms plugin and a Mad Mimi account. ...

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