
By : mhawksey

EverPress is an automatic RSS posting plugin primarily designed to integrate with the information capturing service, Evernote. This plugin allows Evernote users to automatic post their shared notebooks to WordPress.

Supported features:

  • Post scheduling - by day, week or month, and time of day
  • Post settings - set the author, category, status (draft, public and private) and tags

NEW - Everpress now supports multiple public Evernote notebooks

[The code used in EverPress is based on the Shared Items Post developed by Craig Fifield at Google Tutor]


TwitterPad is an automatic RSS-to-page/post plugin designed to integrate with twitter. This plugin allows the user to add a number of custom search strings from search.twitter.com specifying which page (or a new post) new tweets should be added to. For example, using 'from:{yourtwittername} #tp' I .........

Similar: 45%


"Wp-o-Matic-Tags" is an add-on to Wp-o-Matic. When posts are imported by Wp-o-Matic, there is no importation of the tags. This plugins has an administration panel where you can choose which tag you want to add or delete or transform. You need to install the Wp-o-Matic version included in this packag.........

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Be able to publish posts from feeds and authorized WordPress sites. Enter one or many feed addresses in the plugin, browse through the feed the same way you browse 'Posts' or 'Pages' and selectively choose to publish. * Includes attribution for the sourced post. * Can add images automatically to yo.........

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"Wp-o-matic-Authors" is an add-on to Wp-o-Matic. It automatically creates a new author for each campaign (even if already fetched). Then, each post imported by Wp-o-Matic will have as author the name given by this plugin instead of a name already registered in the core blog. You need to install the .........

Similar: 27%


WPeMatico is for autoblogging, automatically creating posts from the RSS/Atom feeds you choose, which are organized into campaigns. PHP 5.3 is required! For RSS fetching it's using the Simplepie library included in WordPress or force use of external. Also for image processing it's using the core.........

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YD FeedWordPress Content Filter

This plugin is an add-on to the FeedWordPress RSS content syndication plugin. You need to have FeedWordPress installed and configured for content syndication....

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WP Pipes

Yahoo Pipes & Zapier are powerful online services for making pipeline of data, WP Pipes by ThimPress comes available to the WordPress community to bring such of powerful abilities to WordPress site, works right inside your WordPress site. You can create many Pipes, give your Pipes input and get .........

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AffiGet Mini for Amazon

AffiGet Mini is an advanced plugin to remotely add Amazon products to your blog with a single click. AffiGet provides a semi-automatic way to build profitable review sites and to monetize your blog! Here's how this works: While browsing Amazon, you find a product that might be of interest to you.........

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POWr Pinterest Feed

Display any Pinterest board on your website! POWr Pinterest Feed is a free cloud-based plugin you can edit in your live web page. Create a POWr account to access the entire plugin library. First, download, install, and activate POWr Pinterest Feed. Then drop the widget anywhere in your theme. O.........

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QF-GetThumb is plugin to make the thumbnail and the cache of first image data in the content and the argument source.This plugin can make JPEG, GIF, a format of PNG, And makes the image of not only a local server but also the outside link a thumbnail and can become cache. Outside RSS can be read dep.........

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