Expire User Passwords

This plugin forces users to change their passwords every 30 days. There is zero configuration.

Please report any bugs to Telegraph Media Group's github page at https://github.com/telegraph/. This plugin also works in the mu-plugins directory.

WP Expire Passwords

This plugin allows you to set passwords to expire every X amount of days (default is 90) and to expire all non-admin user passwords (requiring new unique passwords)....

Similar: 38%

WP Custom My Password

This plugin allows your user to custom his own password on the registration screen....

Similar: 34%

WordPress Password Expiry

This plugin expires a user's access to the site after every specified number of days (initially set to 30 days). You can select the type of user/users for whom password should expire. The plugin works for default user types of WordPress as well as users with custom roles. After expiration, users ne.........

Similar: 30%


Only logged-in users can view the site if this plugin is activated....

Similar: 29%

User Password Reset Notifications for Slack

This plugin is an extension to the Slack plugin; it allows you to send notifications to Slack channels whenever a user loses and resets their password. The new event will be shown in the integration settings labeled When a user loses and resets their password. If checked, then a notification will b.........

Similar: 25%

Nice Login Widget

An elegant login and register widget that can be placed in any widget area on your site. Add login/register widget in any widget area in your site. Uses only one area and screen to login, register, and retrieve forgotten passwords. Cleanly transitions by flipping between login, register, and forgo.........

Similar: 17%

WP Access Codes

This simple plugin enables you to set up different access codes or passwords that enable users to be added to specific WordPress Roles or Press Permit (http://presspermit.com/) permission groups. Simply go to Settings -> WP Access Codes to create and manage your codes. Use the [wp-access-codes.........

Similar: 14%

Press Permit Access Codes

*This plugin has been replaced by the WP Access Codes Plugin!...

Similar: 14%

User Registration Aide

When new users register, this plugin forces new users to register additional fields of your choosing or lets you add your own custom fields. Default available fields are: First Name Last Name Nickname Website AIM screen name Yahoo IM screen name Jabber/Google Talk user name Password WordPress Us.........

Similar: 11%

WP Backpack

Das WordPress Plugin WP Backpack ist eine gebündelte Sammlung von wichtigen Optionen und Funktionen. Über Neuigkeiten und aktuelle Updates werden die Nutzer stets informiert....

Similar: 4%