Export OPML

When you have a big blogroll and wan't to make it public this comes handy. It will export your visible blogroll links into a valid OPML file on blog root and then you just have to create a link to it in your theme.

Blogroll Autolinker

Blogroll Autolinker automatically turns names from your blogroll into links in your posts. Insert names from your Links Manager in posts and pages and they’ll be turned into links in the published post. You can control which names become links with customizable markup, e.g., square brackets: [link n.........

Similar: 50%

Blogroll In Posts

Ever want to use your blogroll in your pages or posts? Ever wanted to show a list of links in a category without editing your templates or using a sidebar widget? Now you can! Easily add and customize a link list with this easy to use plugin. Simply add the [blogroll] shortcode to your pages or p.........

Similar: 40%

Link Harvest

Link Harvest will go through all of your posts and pages and compile a list of all external links. Then it will create a live updating linkroll for you, based on your actual linking activity....

Similar: 34%


LinkIt will take your WordPress Links and match and insert them into your posts and pages. To enable a link to be inserted to any post or page simply categorize it as LinkIt in the WordPress Links section. If you do not wish the link to be visible in your BlogRoll simply mark it as a private link.........

Similar: 34%

Import Blogroll With Categories

If you have ever been annoyed by the default blogroll (links, bookmarks) import functionality of WordPress forcing you to select one category to insert all links into, this plugin is for you. If you have an OPML feed that is categorized (like the standard WordPress OPML links export), you naturall.........

Similar: 30%

Spicy Blogroll

Spicy Blogroll will bring life to an otherwise static Blogroll. It shows a number of post excerpts for each link in your Blogroll using Ajax. When your visitor hovers over a Blogroll link the RSS feed from the site is discovered and a number of recent posts is shown dynamically in a popup box. Each.........

Similar: 25%

Good Reads

Google's Blogger tool has a great blogroll gadget, which I've always wanted in WordPress. I tried a few plugins that advertised similar behavior but was never quite satisfied - so I made my own. This will grab all your links with a category of 'sidebar' and show them in a list on your sidebar. Spec.........

Similar: 25%

WordPress MyLinks - The link directory with automatical thumbnail generation

Displays blogroll links on a Page or Post. Insert [mylinks] to a Page or Post and it will display all your blogroll links there- with live snapshots of every page. Very nice too look! Only 1-2 Minutes and the thumbnails snapshots are generated. This takes some time, because the server has to delive.........

Similar: 15%

Extended Blogroll

This WordPress Widget allows you to display the recent posts of your blogroll links via RSS Feeds as a sidebar widget or via shortcode [blogroll] in any post or article on every position you want to. The Plugin works without Javascript and without AJAX. It uses the WordPress standard links.........

Similar: 13%

Ultimate Blogroll

Ultimate Blogroll is a plugin which enables your visitors to submit a linktrade. Your visitors can add their own website and you can keep track of the in- and outlinks. * Let your visitors add a linktrade * Give an overview of the linktrades including the stats * Order by different parameters * Eas.........

Similar: 12%