External Group RSS tab extension

By : lenasterg

Adds tab in group for external blog RSS feeds posts of group activity. Requires External Group Blogs plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/external-group-blogs/) to by installed.

LS Buddypress Activity plus tabs extension

Adds tabs in groups for Buddypress activity plus uploaded videos, images, links. Requires Buddypress activity plus plugin (http://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-activity-plus/) to by installed....

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Bp Favorite Notifications

show BuddyPress user notification when users mark as favorite activity...

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Hashtags for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress. Adds hashtag links to BuddyPress activity and bbPress topics. Hashtags turn into links that are used to search items based on topics. demo: http://demo.taptappress.com...

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BuddyPress Profile Tabs

There is an admin section Options -> BP Profile Tabs where you can change the jQuery UI Theme, the default is cupertino. Any of the themes available at http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/ can be used for the tabs, it loads either Google or Microsoft hosted jQuery UI theme CSS....

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BP Lotsa Feeds

BP Lotsa Feeds adds a whole bunch of RSS feeds to your installation of BuddyPress. The following feeds are included with BP Lotsa Feeds (followed by the URL pattern where the feeds can be found): INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Networkwide comments by an individual member (/members/username/activity/comments/.........

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BuddyPress XMLRPC - Receiver

** IMPORTANT ** This plugin will not be updated for future versions of BuddyPress (1.3) - if you would like to take over this plugin, please contact me. http://twitter.com/#!/etiviti/statuses/29550143485247489 This plugin allows certain XML-RPC commands for BuddyPress (Requires a client!) A clien.........

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BuddyPress Edit Activity

Let your BuddyPress members edit their activity posts and replies on the front-end of the site. You can even set a time limit for how long activity posts should remain editable. Just activate the plugin, and every activity post and reply will become editable, styled automatically by BuddyPress to f.........

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BuddyPress for LearnDash

Want your learners to interact with each other? BuddyPress for LearnDash turns your course driven website into a social education platform, creating a seamless bridge between BuddyPress and LearnDash....

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YD BuddyPress Feed Syndication

Syndicate RSS feeds into your user or group Activity stream Select any kind of RSS feeds that will be agregated into your BuddyPress activity stream. For example, to import an existing blog. Each BuddyPress user can select as many external RSS feeds as they want. They will be aggregated (mixed) in.........

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Are you wanting to create a sophisticated social network right inside your WordPress site? HaloSocial is a complete solution, that works right out of the box. It's perfect for brands, artists, schools/universities, non-profit organizations, interest groups and anyone else who wants to benefit from c.........

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