External Thumbnail

By : mrtaiw

Using external images from anywhere to make thumbnail.

If empty url image, will take the first picture in the post as thumbnail

Remote Thumbnail

Lightweight plugin to use remote images for post thumbnails and featured image. Enter remote image url into custom field 'remote_thumbnail' of any post. Images will not be downloaded, therefore will not use up space from your hosting. In order to keep the same aspect ratio as an uploaded, cropped i.........

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Featured Image From URL

Allows you to use an external image (from Flickr, Picasa, Amazon S3, anywhere etc) as Featured Image of your post or page....

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External Featured Image Plus

This plugin is gives you the option of calling in a featured image from an external URL. While you probably wouldn’t want to hotlink your featured images from someone else’s site, this can be especially useful if you house your own images in another location. Major features in this plugin include: .........

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