Facebook profile and updates

Facebook profiles and updates show your facebook profile information on a widget. Don't show in a image(like the Facebook Badge). Also contains tabs for events and wall posts. This plugin don't need a Facebook Application ID, just require user authentication.

HackerRank Profile Widget

This is a simple plugin which gives you a widget to show your HackerRank profile in your page. It's very simple to use. You just have to put your HackerRank username and check the items you want to show. Features include: A small version of your profile; Show your badges; Show the contests you ar.........

Similar: 34%

WP Github

WP Github provides three sidebar widgets which can be configured to display public profile, repositories, commits, issues and gists from github in the sidebar. You can have as many widgets as you want configured to display different repositories. Currently the plugin can list: Profile Repositorie.........

Similar: 23%


WP-Profilactic publishes your LifeStream or informs readers where to find you online by parsing your aggregated activity mashup from Profilactic.com. Lifestream Demo Changelog Features: Aggregates your social networks, per your Profilactic.com account. Dynamically pulls favicons for correspond.........

Similar: 20%

Author Spotlight (Widget)

Author Spotlight widget displays the profile of the author(s) with Social links (example: website, Twitter, Facebook) and profile picture or gravatar on any post or page that has an Author. The widget automatically detects the current author(s) of the displayed post or page; just drag and drop the w.........

Similar: 19%

Disable All Updates & Notifications

Easy way to disables all wordpress, themes, plugins, core updates & notifications in wordpress. Automatic background updates were introduced in WordPress 3.7 in an effort to promote better security, and to streamline the update experience overall. By default, only minor releases – such as for .........

Similar: 15%

Metaverse ID

"Metaverse ID" for WordPress is based on the work of the currently retired swslr project. The plugin aims to allow its users to place widgets into the sidebars of their WordPress blogs that let them show of their profiles around the Metaverse. Supported Metaverses Champions Online EVE Online Ever.........

Similar: 8%

Social Icons Widget

The Social Media Icons widget takes a simple, extendable approach to displaying links to your social media profiles in WordPress. The purpose of this plugin was to strip away the complexities I found most other plugins to have and simply display a set of basic social icons in an unordered list. Ther.........

Similar: 6%

Connections Business Directory Hobbies

This is an extension plugin for the Connections Business Directory Plugin please be sure to install and active it before adding this plugin. What does this plugin do? It adds the ability to add hobbies to entries. A filter has been provided to allow the choices of hobbies to be adjusted to suit you.........

Similar: 4%

Connections Business Directory Login

This is an extension plugin for the Connections Business Directory Plugin please be sure to install and active it before adding this plugin. What does this plugin do? It adds an entry content block, a shortcode and a widget which displays a login form when a user is not logged into your site. Ok, .........

Similar: 4%

Slimpack - Lightweight Jetpack

Slimpack — Lightweight Jetpack. Super-fast performance without modules that requires contracting WordPress.com. It provides better performance than original Jetpack. All features that require a WordPress.com account or need contracting / syncing back to WordPress.com servers have been removed. You .........

Similar: 4%