Fix Multiple Redirects

Help users to fix problems with multiple redirects and canonical redirects. - advice to configure DNS records, prevent canonical problems. - By disable canonical redirect filters. - By disable redicrecting filters. - By fixing .htaccess file. - Some FAQ with experience. - Increase speed of wordpress fine url recognition for SEO by .htaccess file. - Fixed issue with force redirect to WWW - If you wish you can promote us, with small link in tail of post/page or donate only ONE $.

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Permalink Validator

WordPress 2.3 now includes validation of the permalink URL when using Apache web server, but if using IIS then this plugin is still relevant. Permalink Validator helps Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as it prevents duplicate contents on your WordPress blog: Adds trailing back-slash if missing (C.........

Similar: 20%

Defer CSS Addon for BWP Minify

BWP Minify is a powerful plugin to minify and compact several CSS files into only one. If the resulting CSS file is too big or large, this addon allows to defer the load of this generated CSS file moving their declaration from header to footer, and put it again using asynchronous javascript and DOM.........

Similar: 14%

A better prezi Wordprezi


Similar: 13%

Affiliate Links

Affiliate Links is a WordPress plugin for creating and shortening any internal or external links. This plugin will be useful for masking partner links to affiliate websites. You can also use it for shortening long URLs to simple pretty links such as ''....

Similar: 11%

ManageWP Worker

ManageWP is a revolutionary service designed to automate most of your daily tasks when managing multiple WordPress websites, allowing you to use your time on more important matters....

Similar: 8%

WP Social Bookmarking

This plugin will add a image below your posts, allowing your visitors to share your posts with their friends, on FaceBook, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, Myspace, Friendfeed, Technorati,, Digg, Google, StumbleUpon, and other. After plugin is activated a buttons will appear after the conte.........

Similar: 8%

Light SEO

WordPress SEO plugin. Focused in creating a clean plugin, with emphasis in source code's good practices. Automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization). Features: Automatically optimizes your titles for search engines. Generates META tags automatically.........

Similar: 8%

SEO Ultimate

From the Creators of SEO Ultimate Premium Support Now Available The SEO Design Solutions team does not provide support for SEO Ultimate on the WordPress forums. However, dedicated one on one email support is available when you upgrade to SEO Ultimate+. The premium version of SEO Ultimate also has .........

Similar: 6%

The SEO Framework

The SEO Framework The lightning fast all in one automated SEO optimization plugin for WordPress This plugin strongly helps you create better SEO value for your content. But at the end of the day, it all depends on how entertaining or well-constructed your content or product is. No SEO pl.........

Similar: 6%

Keyword Statistics

With this plugin you can optimize your WordPress blog for search engines. It can automatically generate meta informations (like keywords and description for example) needed for the search engine optimization (SEO) of your blog. The Keyword-Statistics-Plugin checks the content of a post or a page fo.........

Similar: 6%