Floating Banner Ad Rotator with Tracking

Display a Floating Banner Advert Rotator Box at the Bottom of Your Site. Track Banner Views, Clicks and Clickthroughs or add Custom Banner Tracking HTML from External Services.

Each time someone visits your site a banner advert will be chosen at random and be shown. Adverts will only be shown once per session to avoid being distracting.

Ideal for Split Testing

This plugin works great with split testing banner adverts. In the admin area it lists each banner with statistics for views, clicks and clickthroughs.

Affiliate Adverts and Affiliate Marketing

Clear placement on the page where site visitors will see your affiliate advertisements.

Add Custom HTML

As of Version 1.2 Custom HTML is filtered using HTMLawed 1.2.beta Licensed under LGPL v3 and GPL v2+

If you don't want to use our banner uploader you can use your own custom HTML.

Only Displays Advert Once Per Visit

This plugin makes use of session storage within the users browser to only display the advert once each time they visit. This makes sure it doesn\'t appear whenever they refresh the page or open a new page or post.

Ads by datafeedr.com

The Ads plugin allows you to add advertisements to your blog. You can add advertisements to your posts, pages or Text Widgets via the shortcode. You can also add ads to your site by adding a function to your theme's template files. You have full control over how many ads get displayed as well as .........

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Ads is a plugin that allows you to insert ads anywhere into your post just by using a simple shortcode. Most importantly there have no limits. You can create hundreds of Ad codes by your own or can get from different ad networks like Google AdSense or Bing Ads. There is lot more options. You can sel.........

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Simple Ads and Banner Manager

Simple Ads and Banner Manager is a small, easy to use plugin that use smart algorithm to insert and rotate ads or banner into your posts. If you don't satisfy with the automatic banner placement, you can move the banner as you like ! Please see the screenshoot for better understanding of how this p.........

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Advanced Advertising System

If you have customers who want to promote their products on your site, Advanced Advertising System can help you. The main of this plugin is to manage advertisers, to control campaign especially the pricing model for each advertiser. You can manage ads zone(position) and specify the pricing model(CPM.........

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Simple Ads Manager

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Random Banners

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Ultimate Ads Manager

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Custom Ads Management

Features Custom Ads Management Plugin is an easy to use plugin to display custom advertising like google ads, banner ads on front-end side which includes any ads size ranging from 300x250, 160x600, 728x90 and etc.. Custom Ads Management Plugin is used For Marketing Banners and logos of Affiliates .........

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CM Ad Changer

The CM Ad Changer manages several banner advertising campaigns across multiple WordPress sites simultaneously. As an ad-server, plugin settings manage or restrict the showing of banner ads according to each campaign parameters. Campaign settings include days of the week, custom ad campaign dates, ma.........

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