Force ImageMagick

Forces WordPress to use ImageMagick instead of the PHP GD image library. This allows EXIF and IPTC data to be retained - for example, those containing GEO data and copyright information - but can lead to slightly larger file sizes.

Before using this plugin, ensure that your web server has ImageMagick installed.

Fun with Photo Data

WordPress 2.5 now extracts and saves the EXIF and IPTC data that is stored in photographs. WordPress 2.5 also introduces shortcodes, a shorthand way of including data in posts. This plugin makes use of these shortcodes to display the photo data as part of your post....

Similar: 60%


The plugin affects the image while it is uploaded. Straight after it is uploaded, all Exif data will be removed from the image. There is no original image left, nor made a backup. This plugin requires the ImageMagick php modules. Based on exif-remove by CupRacer

Similar: 38%

Remove exif and metadata

Automatically remove exif and metadata data after uploading. Just moment supported format: JPG and PNG. Using ImageMagick...

Similar: 30%


This plugin allows you to import the XMP, EXIF, and IPTC for uploaded images, store that meta-data in specialized image taxonomies, and then display galleries based on taxonomy terms. It is also possible to display a random gallery of images....

Similar: 30%


Send virtial cards (e-cards) from a post. Use our designs or upload your own. Based on Zetaprints Image Generator. Install the plugin. Activate. Find a design you like on or create your own. Paste the design ID to the config screen. Insert shortcode [zp-e-cards] into a post and bing.........

Similar: 20%


If you create lots of images, graphics, audio clips, or video clips you probably go to some trouble to put metadata (titles, copyrights, track names, dates, and all that) into them. You may also put tags and ratings (one to five stars) on your media files. JPEG image files have EXIF metadata. MP3.........

Similar: 17%


CopyRightPro is a free version of Wp-Copyrightpro plug-in that prevents the copying of texts and images from your blog, if you install this plug-in, your content of wordpress will be protected. CopyrightPro is a plug-in developed by Wp-CopyRightPro.Com. in order to minimize the copying of your webs.........

Similar: 17%

YITH WooCommerce Watermark

Take advantage of YITH WooCommerce Watermark's features to apply an identifying logo to your images. Customize them, and make them always recognizable as yours. Apply the watermark to more images at the same time, and use the rapid and easy "Reset" button to restore your original images without losi.........

Similar: 10%

Media Library Assistant

The Media Library Assistant provides several enhancements for managing the Media Library, including: The [mla_gallery] shortcode, used in a post, page or custom post type to add a gallery of images and/or other Media Library items (such as PDF documents). MLA Gallery is a superset of the WordPress.........

Similar: 8%

Sirv CDN & Image Manager

Sirv hosts your images and serves them to your WordPress site at any size you require. It optimizes images and rapidly serves them from its CDN. Major features of Sirv image management: Resize your images to any size you require. Responsive resize to dynamically fit the screen. Serve your images .........

Similar: 4%