French Slugs

Useful in french, with this plugin simple quotes (apostrophes) will be changed to dashes (-) to keep slugs readable and SEO friendly.

Before :

  • "L'équipe" > lequipe
  • "L'histoire de France" > lhistoire-de-france
  • "Suzy's Place" > suzys-place

With this plugin :

  • "L'équipe" > l-equipe
  • "L'histoire de France" > l-histoire-de-france
  • "Suzy's Place" > suzy-s-place

Slug as body class

Want to have css styling rules for individual pages or posts? This plugin adds a unique class to the body tag of the html. The added class is formatted as "[post_type]-[post_name]". For a page with slug (= post_name) "about" it will be "page-about", and for a post named "today" it will be "post-tod.........

Similar: 40%

OptimiSlug French

Optimize WordPress slug removing common words like "the, the, a, an, the" and others. It can also replace accented letters in unaccented letters, like "...

Similar: 28%

Custom Author URL

This plugin gives you full control over the permalinks for author pages. When using "pretty permalinks", by default URLs to author pages are structured: With this plugin you can change the "author" part of these URLs into anything you like, for example: .........

Similar: 25%

SEO Slugs

The SEO Slugs WordPress plugin removes common words like 'a', 'the', 'in' from post slugs to improve search engine optimization. For example, when you publish a post with a title like this: "What You Can Do Immediately For Higher Rankings", WordPress automatically assigns a long filename to your .........

Similar: 25%

Slug accent's replacer

Before a slug is created, this function replaces the latin characters with their similar unaccented letter...

Similar: 20%

SEO Stoppord

The SEO Stoppord WordPress plugin removes common Swedish words like 'i', 'på', 'att' from post slugs to improve search engine optimization. For example, when you publish a post with a title like this: "What You Can Do Immediately For Higher Rankings", WordPress automatically assigns a long filena.........

Similar: 19%

Strings Sanitizer

In A Nutshell Works by converting common accentuated UTF-8 characters, as well as a few special cyrillic, hebrew, spanish and german characters. Any white space will be replaced by a hyphen, thus generating SEO friendly post slugs, as well as generating Linux-friendly filenames....

Similar: 16%

YD Spread Parameter

Spread your http get parameters on all your links! This plugin will automatically take care of "spreading" a parameter on all the links URL inside a WP or WP MU blog. It will add the given parameter at the end of any link URL inside the site. It will also add the parameter as a hidden field to an.........

Similar: 11%

Pretty Link Lite

Pretty Link Pro Upgrade to Pretty Link Pro Pretty Link Pro is a significant upgrade to Pretty Link Lite that adds many tools and redirection types that will allow you to create pretty links automatically, cloak links, auto-tweet links, replace keywords thoughout your blog with pretty links and muc.........

Similar: 4%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 2%