Funny Pranks Videos

By : abhijit

Demo: Do you play pranks on your friends??

Do you want more ideas? Use this plug in to see funny pranks videos on youtube

Most watched videos in India today

Ever wondered which videos were seen most in India Today ??...

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Fifa Worldcup 2010 Videos

Ever wondered how to show FIFA World Cup 2010 videos to your site visitors?? Here is an easy way to do that... Use this plugin and sit back and relax....

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Youtube Videos tagged Cricket

Ever wondered which videos tagged with 'Cricket' were seen most Today ??...

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Yankees Videos

Ever wondered how to show Yankees videos to your site visitors?? Here is an easy way to do that... Use this plugin and sit back and relax....

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External Videos

This plugin creates a new WordPress post type called "External Videos" and aggregates videos from a external social networking site's user channel to the WordPress instance. For example, it finds all the videos of the user "Fred" on YouTube and adds them each as a new post type. The videos can be pr.........

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Responsive Embed Videos

Responsive Embed Videos allows you to easily add youtube or vimeo videos to your website using our shortcode like : [rev video=''] or [rev video=''] All videos embeded with this shortcode will be fully responsive. Here is a list of the s.........

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WP Video SEO

Video sitemap is a way to help search engine discover your videos and index them accordingly. It also allows you to link one video to a specific post/page...

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.TUBE Video Curator

The .TUBE Video Curator Plugin for WordPress makes it easy to create posts from YouTube and Vimeo channels. You can search for channels and playlists, bulk import existing videos as new posts, and even auto-import new videos as posts so you can "set it and forget it." Display options let you customi.........

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Youtube Video Sitemap generator

If you have any feature requests I'd be more than happy to implement them just open up a thread on github please: All errors to be tracked via github please: This is a little plugin to automatically scan .........

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