Gecka IE Warning

By : Gecka

Display a configurable warning for Internet Explorer upgrade.

Choose to display the warning for versions before IE8 or before IE7.

Choose to always display the warning, or once per session, or once a day, or every 30 days or every year.

The plugin configuration appears in the Reading Settings page.

(based on ie6-upgrade-warning)

NO-IE Upgrade Reminder Widget

This plugin gives you the ability to display a widget to your visitors that use IE6 (and optionally IE7), reminding them to upgrade their browser! It can display a link to download the current versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, or Internet Explorer — entirely up to you.........

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IE6 Warning

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IE6 und IE7 Detection Script

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Stop Oldies

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This plugin replaces the contents of your site with a message asking your visitors to use a better browser if they try to browse your site with Internet Explorer 7 or earlier....

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오래된 브라우저[기본값: 익스플로러7 이하]로 접속할 시 사이트 상단에 최신 브라우저로의 업데이트를 권하며 업데이트 경로를 안내합니다. 하위 브라우저 제한의 변경은 '플러그인' -> '편집기' -> '편집할 플러그인 선택' -> 'JT old browser alert' 선택 -> 플러그인 문서 내용 중 '[if lte IE 7]' 부분.........

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Shockingly Big IE6 Warning

The Shockingly Big IE6 Warning is a plugin that shows a warning message alerting the user why it is bad to use IE6, the security risk and the bad compatibility of Web Standards. You can choose from 3 types of warning: TOP, a discreet top bar FULL, a fullscreen warning CRASH, the mean option See.........

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Advanced Browser Check

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Internet Explorer Alert!

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IE6 Upgrade Option

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