
This plugin embeds the content of a public GitHub repository into your WordPress posts. It's capable of retrieving either the full content or a snippet of a file. The code will be displayed with syntax highlighting and line numbers.

Now supports content caching for improved page responsiveness and load times.

Syntax highlighting is provided by the Sunlight JS syntax highlighter. Many thanks to those involved in that project!

GitHub Code Viewer

GitHub Code Viewer automatically pulls a file from and displays it in a blog post....

Similar: 75%

GitHub Code Viewer 2

GitHub Code Viewer 2 automatically pulls a file from github and places into any post using a shortcode [github_cv url='$url'] Caches locally (in db), so there isn't a performance hit. Heavily Modified from original plugin by Matt Curry (

Similar: 75%

GitHub Gist WordPress Plugin

Drop in the embed code from github between the gist shortcode. [gist][/gist]. The [gist] tag also grabs the html content of the gist and wraps it with "" so that your codes will be SEO enabled for the botz....

Similar: 38%

GitHub Gist Shortcode Plugin

Instead of embedding a GitHub Gist (a pastie like service on steroids) by copying and pasting HTML you can simple embed it with a [gist] shortcode. For example, to embed the gist: 30948 enter this in a post or page: [gist id=30948] It is that simple. One problem with gists is that a search engi.........

Similar: 38%

Code Snippet Library

"Code Snippet Library" is designed for use on code tutorial sites - it gives you a way to store code snippets that you can use numerous times in any post. You simply create the snippet and place the relevant shortcode where you want it to appear. The snippets are managed using WordPress' taxonomy UI.........

Similar: 38%

Gist for Robots WordPress Plugin

Drop in the embed code from github between the gist shortcode. [gist]<script src=""></script>[/gist] or pass the ID and file (optional) [gist id.........

Similar: 34%

PCSH (PastaCode and SyntaxHighlighter)

With PCSH (based on the Pastacode plugin), you can easily add code into your posts with the awesome SyntaxHighlighter js-library. You can insert source code into the post editor, from a file, or from webservices like GitHub, Gist, Pastebin or BitBucket. Webservices responses are cached in order to a.........

Similar: 30%


With Pastacode, you can easily add code into your posts with the awesome PrismJs coloration library. You can insert source code into the post editor, from a file, or from webservices like GitHub, Gist, Pastebin or BitBucket. Webservices responses are cached in order to avoid too many HTTP requests. .........

Similar: 30%


Embed GitHub, Gist or Bitbucket files. See:

Similar: 25%


Own your snippets! No longer require the use of a cloud service to host your snippets for you when you can host them right on your own WordPress site! codeSnips allows you to quickly add and embed code snippets to your website with syntax highlighting available for 124 languages! codeSnips uses cust.........

Similar: 18%