Give a Beer

Widget that will enable visitors to give you/the site a virtual beer by clicking on the widget. <br/><br/> UPDATE: You can add a paypal link in widget settings under widgets and you can receive donations "for beer" from your visitors.<br/><br/> The widget is the image of a beer and the statistics of how many beers you received so far. <br/> Once someone gave you a beer he/she must wait for other 3 persons to give a beer untill he/she can give again<br/> <br/> Requires JavaScript Enabled (sends beer withouth page reload) or it will not work.<br/> <br/> Warning! In order for the transparency to work in ie6 you must install Ie6 Png Fix plugin. <br/><br/>

Mood Personalizer

widget that you can place in your sidebar and that will show the blogger current mood by selecting one of the 12(so far) emoticons available. You can select 4 different sizes, depending on the size in width of your sidebar(so it fits just right).<br/><br/> Update 1.1: 4 more emoticons .........

Similar: 67%

Advanced Fancybox

Fancybox (lightbox) fully compatible for wordpress. You can add (so far): Image link (local or external) Html content (or normal - Content hast to be added using a custom field with normal text or html content) Link to another webpage (webpage content will show in iframe) Requires Ja.........

Similar: 50%

Live Countdown Timer

Widget that will enable you to show an amazingly styled live countdown timer for an event that comes in many sizes , styles and colors. Everything works with jQuery, wordpress api's and php....

Similar: 42%


Featplug is a standalone script / wordpress plugin that can mine your WordPress posts or any other data and look for images suiting a given dimension and generates 'featured' section for your site using the found items. The featured section, includes a resized image (banner) with the label, descrip.........

Similar: 18%


Slidy is a reponsive jQuery slider that uses slick carousel by Ken Wheeler and it's fully integrated into WordPress, so it's possible to add and administer slides via the Dashboard. You just need to set the image that you want to see in Slidy as the featured image in each post. Slides can be categor.........

Similar: 17%

ZooEffect Plugin for Video player, Photo Gallery Slideshow jQuery and audio / music / podcast - HTML

Are you looking for a professional plugin to manage and display photos, videos and audio in your site ? Try ZooEffect - Free Visit our showcase page >> :...

Similar: 14%

wizScriber™ Whiteboard Animation Software - Create Doodle Ads In Few Clicks

wizScriber is a unique plugin to create engaging whiteboard animated video messages quickly and easily without technical or design skills. It...

Similar: 12%

Zedity Editor: The Best Way to Create Your Posts and Pages!

Would you like to make your WordPress experience much easier? Zedity enables you to create posts and pages as naturally as writing on paper! With absolutely no coding skills required, creating catchy and professional content becomes incredibly easy and quick for anyone! Zedity is available in .........

Similar: 8%

Unite Gallery Lite

The Unite Gallery is all in one image and video gallery for WordPress. It's based on the unite gallery javscript version, and has a very powerfull and intuitive wordpess admin for your ease of use. Every gallery option has it's description, devided into logical sections, and the items manager is v.........

Similar: 6%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 5%