Google Base Newsfeed

By : WPXpand

Generates an XML file that can be submitted to Google Base under the catgeory News and Articles.

Please ensure you familiarise yourself with Google Base before using this plugin.

Please report any bugs, if you don't tell us it how can we fix it? Please include your WordPress version and other plugins you have installed.

Google Calendar Feed Parser

This plugin will parse a Google Calendar XML Feed and display it on your blog. Installation is simple and configuring and using the plugin is easy as well. Please visit the plugin's webpage at the author's webpage for more information....

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Display previews of Instructables Projects on your site linking to the source. Projects can be retrieved from Instructables by username or keyword. You can display the title, thumbnail (optional) and description or in tiles which display the thumbnail and title. In a list of a user's Instructables o.........

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MDR Webmaster Tools

MDR Webmaster Tools provides many small necessary functions to WordPress when for managing your site with Google, Yahoo, & Bing's webmaster tools sites. The plugin adds the following functions to WordPress Dynamic Sitemap Ability to modify your robots.txt file. Site verification scripts for .........

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Google Buzz

Google Buzz plugin for WordPress allows you to get latest Buzzes for your Blog. Besides setting username for fetching feeds, you can setup caching and response time + number of posts to fetch. If caching is turned on your feed will check every X minutes for updates and your blog will run fast with.........

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Buzz this Button - Google official api

This plugin displays Buzz this button and you can set all allowed options (counter, language, style etc) inside plugin administration Features: All this data will be autoamticly set * data-message - The message or annotation that accompanies the Buzz post. By default, this is blank. * data-url - .........

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Advanced RSS

This plugin creates a new RSS widget. You can use this to replace the built in RSS widget or along side it. It is substantially more powerful than the built in widget in that you have complete control over how the feed is displayed via XSL templates. The plugin also includes an admin page for creati.........

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Better RSS Feeds

Better RSS Feeds improves the appearance of your RSS feeds and make them human-readable. View the screenshots to see the before and after. Better RSS Feeds also adds subscription buttons and social sharing buttons to your RSS Feeds. Your blog's RSS feed is located at (if y.........

Similar: 18%

Events Manager ESS

ESS for Event Standard Syndication is The Events Feed. ESS is a free and open-source XML feed dedicated to describe events. This feed is read by search engines and robot crawlers to index your event pages and forward the web users to the your event URL. EVENTS MANAGER PLUGIN IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTA.........

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Squirrly SEO helps you write content that is SEO friendly and ALSO Human friendly. You'll get to improve your rankings, while providing your readers with great content. See Your SEO Stats, get a weekly SEO Audit and find the best keywords. It works well with WordPress sites that already have Yoast .........

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Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

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