Google Mobile Sitemap Feed With Multisite Support

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Google Mobile Sitemap Feed With Multisite Support genera dinámicamente un mapa de sitio para móviles de Google creando un archivo sitemap-mobile.xml virtual.

Manage Banner Plugin

Gerencia Banner no site aplicando marcações e lugares estratégicos...

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Quick XML Sitemap

Easy and quickly generate an XML sitemap of your WordPress blog and ping the following search engines:, Google, Bing. One click install and let go. XML will be update it-self daily. Special thanks to Greg Molnar for inspiring me with some...

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[Propeople] Google News Sitemap

Plugin needed for generating XML sitemap for sending it to Google News. It analyzes the publication by date and shows web-form with next options if it is appropriate: add this post to sitemap or not; access type for reading; genres of publication; language, in which the article is written; stock t.........

Similar: 29%

Google Sitemap Image

With image search, just as with web search, Google's goal is to provide the best and most relevant search results to our users. Following Google's Webmaster Guidelines and best practices for publishing images can increase the likelihood that your images will be returned in those search results. In.........

Similar: 29%

Xml Sitemap

The Sitemaps plugin will generate an XML sitemap of your WordPress website and ping the most popular search engines: Google, Bing, and

Similar: 8%


ExpressCurate plugin includes: RSS feeds and Google alerts importer Curation post composer and editor SEO optimization Keyword analysis and management Flexible publishing options Curation on-the-go: optional Chrome extension and Android app (both free) ExpressCurate is an ideal tool for professi.........

Similar: 8%

Warm Cache

Crawls your website-pages based on any XML sitemap. If you have a caching plugin this will keep your cache warm. Speeds up your site. Compatible with following elements: < sitemap > < url > All urls in your sitemap will be visited by the plugin to keep the cache up to date. Will show av.........

Similar: 7%


SEO Wizard is one of the most coveted WordPress plugins because of the flexibility it offers its users. The tool helps designers write better content, keep track of posts, write optimized meta titles and descriptions, and integrate social media. It's a comprehensive plugin that's proving its worth i.........

Similar: 7%

Yoast SEO

WordPress out of the box is already technically quite a good platform for SEO, this was true when Joost wrote his original WordPress SEO article in 2008 (and updated every few months) and it's still true today, but that doesn't mean you can't improve it further! This plugin is written from the groun.........

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Meta Changer

This is a plugin that allows you to change the meta description of any page you want on your site by simply specifying the page name. Compatible with Yoast SEO plugin....

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