Google News Just Better

By : Stef

Important Note: This plugin still works at this time (wp version 3.4.1) but wont be maintained any longer. Please uninstall it and use RSS just better instead which covers the same functionalities and offers a few extra customizations too.

It displays the list of the latest news by Google News given localization (country-language), search word(s) or topic, number of displayable news and whether you want publication date, date, reference to the author displayed/not. The look & feel is customizable too. It works as a widget or shortcode.

Starting from version 0.7 - for Us and Canada (eng), it's also possible to display local news by selecting city, state/province or zipcode [ Courtesy of Greg at ]

RSS Just Better

It displays a list of feed items from a given feed URL. You can select cache recreation frequency, the number of displayable news and whether you want publication date, time (and in which format), an excerpt and reference to the plugin homepage displayed or not. You can also choose to have a ordered.........

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