Google Presentation

By : unknown

A filter for wordpress. You can add Google Docs Presentation in your posts.

Google Docs oEmbed

Registers an oEmbed handler for Google Docs and adds it to the whitelist, allowing all users who can write posts/pages to embed documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Bug report Source...

Similar: 38%

GData Importer

A wordpress plugin which imports Google Spreadsheet Data into the WordPress Page/Post using shortcode. You have to provide Sheet Key, Worksheet Name, Username and Password in shortcode. Usage: [gdata_import key="spreadsheet_key" worksheet="worksheet_name" user="your_username" pass="your_password"] .........

Similar: 34%

GoogleDrive folder list

GoogleDrive folder list allows you to insert a document list from any shared folder in google drive. Works only with full-shared folders in GoogleDrive Login to Google services is not required. Customized title 'thumbnail' mode: displays thumbnail or the first page of uploaded document. 'list' .........

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TGN Embed everything

(Copy all this into a new WordPress post to see it in action!)...

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WParty is a WordPress Plugin to mix your website contents * Pages * Articles * Widgets * Contact Form * Menus * Media DEV: Theme Builder ...

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You can check other Picasaweb plugins, but they all look pretty bad. Most of them just lead your visitors away from your blog to picasaweb service. They show random stuff or require programming skills to set up. Picasna will do everything for you without this headache. It parses link to your picasa .........

Similar: 9%

WP Product Feed Manager

Extremely powerful and easy to use google shopping feed manager for WordPress Woocommerce web shops. With WP Product Feed Manager you can easily add up to 100 products from your woocommerce store to a product feed setup with the requirements from Google Shopping. We have connected al the required .........

Similar: 6%

Rep U Press Social Media Analytics

Welcome to the Rep U Press Social Media Analytics Plugin This is a simple, yet extremely powerful WordPress Plugin that will allow you to easily track the social media shares of your content across the web and view all the analytics data in one easy to understand admin screen. To view your Social .........

Similar: 6%

Zlevněné aplikace

Obohaťte své stránky o výpis aktuálně zlevněných aplikací pro Android, iOS či Windows Phone. V rámci administrace si můžete výpis aktuálně zlevněných aplikací a her optimalizovat podle zaměření Vašeho webu....

Similar: 6%


WordPress content is now social! Need your content to make an impact to grow your reach, influence your visitors, and close leads? Use the same techniques the large platforms - like YouTube and SlideShare - use your content to grow... to grow your own WordPress site. Supersize your SEO efforts: E.........

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