Google Privacy Policy

By : unknown

Webmasters using Google AdSense are required to include a privacy policy on their site. This plugin provides and easy way to add the necessary information.

Amikelive Adsense Widget

Amikelive Adsense Widget was originally Google Adsense Sidebar Widget accessible at Amikelive Tech that has been rewritten to comply with WordPress 2.8 coding style. WordPress users who want to display Google Adsense on the sidebar or widget area of their blogs without much hassle can use this plug.........

Similar: 40%

AdSense Anna

with this widget / plugin you can easyly add an adsense banner to your wordpress sidebar. no coding needet! no editing of yout template needed. you can choose between text banners and image banners install & go :-) !USE THIS CODE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Here you can see how easy the config of the a.........

Similar: 25%

Auto Google Ad Section

Automatically implement section targeting ad to improve your AdSense relevancy and boost your earning with the relevant ads. Completely not against Google Adsense TOS. Section Targeted Ad is an option of AdSense. It was recommended by Google in AdSense dashboard. However, section targeting may take.........

Similar: 25%

AdSense In-Post Ads by Oizuled

The AdSense In-Post Ads plugin allows you to save your most used AdSense ad codes, and insert them as a shortcode in your pages or posts. You may already use a plugin to display your ads in a widgetized area of your page such as the left or right sidebars, or in the header or footer of your page. W.........

Similar: 20%


OmniAds can use very complex syntax to balance where and when ads are displayed and it's widget ready and supports many advertising networks like eBay, Amazon, Google Adsense, Captain Ad, Layer Ads, Contaxe and many more OmniAds supports you with channels and two types of units. With units of typ.........

Similar: 13%

Ad Blocking Advisor

Ad Blocking Advisor adds a simple and elegant notification bar to your website that only displays to those visitors who are using ad blocking software with their browsers. The purpose of the notification is to ask (or advise) your visitors to whitelist your website. Whitelisting means your ads are d.........

Similar: 11%

WP Fastest Cache

Official Web Site You can find more information on our web site ( This plugin creates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. When a page is rendered, php and mysql are used. Therefore, system needs RAM and CPU. If many visitors come to a site, system uses lots of R.........

Similar: 10%


Fun for everyone!...

Similar: 6%

Social Gallery Lite

The Ultimate Social Lightbox Plugin for WordPress That's right – you can now get a Lite version of the best-selling Social Gallery for Free! It’s not quite as feature packed as Social Gallery Pro but it’s still kick ass. If you are looking to test out Social Gallery or your on a small (or zero) bud.........

Similar: 4%

Google AdSense by BestWebSoft

Google AdSense Plugin creates blocks to display ads on your website. It allows to customize the ads displaying, such as format (text ad, image, text with an image or link), size, color of the elements in the ad block, rounded corners and the ad block position on the website. It provides possibility .........

Similar: 4%