Google Typography

By : Eric Alli

The Google Typography plugins allows you to use any Google Font for any text on your existing website without writing a single line of code. In the Appearance > Typography settings page, simply add and customize as many fonts as you'd like, then apply it to any existing HTML tag or CSS selector.

Fontific | Google Fonts

Fontific gives you a really simple way to use fonts from Google Web Font library on your WordPress-powered website. To use one of those fantastic fonts, you just need to add a new font rule in Fontific panel(Appearance/Fonts admin menu), specify css selector to which this rule will be applied, setu.........

Similar: 58%

Captain Typekit

You can easily include Typekit's embed code with this handy plugin. Just install, enter your Typekit Kit ID and Captain Typekit will take care of the rest. After entering in your Kit's ID, you can even view all the fonts currently in the kit, their Font Family CSS Values, the variations you've incl.........

Similar: 43%

WP Google Fonts

Google's free font directory is one of the most exciting developments in web typography in a very long time. The amazing rise of this new font resource has made this plugin the most popular font plugin on WordPress and it shows no signs of stopping. The WP Google Font plugin makes it even easier to.........

Similar: 42%

GD WebFonts Toolbox Lite

GD WebFonts Toolbox Lite is easy to use plugin for adding Web Fonts (Google and Adobe Edge) to standard and custom CSS selectors, with preview, extra styling builder, optional use of Google Webfont Loader. Here is list of all major plugin features. Google Web Fonts (725 fonts in version 1.0) Adobe.........

Similar: 40%

Google Font Manager

The Google Font Manager plugin was written to help you quickly and easily add Google fonts to your WordPress website. Designed for both regular and advanced WordPress users in mind, this is the perfect plugin to expand your website typography. With minimal overhead, it will not add any unnecessar.........

Similar: 39%

Ultimate Google Fonts

With this Google fonts plugin you have more than awesame 90 open source fonts at your disposal! Choose and customize Google fonts directly from your WordPress admin panel! Enable only font you really want to use! Check text effects examples direcly in your admin panel. Text that use beautiful Google.........

Similar: 34%

Custom Google Fonts

To learn more about the Custom Google Fonts please see Plugin URI. See screenshot examples at

Similar: 31%

Pojo Custom Fonts

Please Note: This plugin is for Pojo Framework users only. With Pojo Custom Fonts you can add an unlimited number of custom fonts to your Pojo theme, with full integration to your Customizer’s typography fields. All this with no CSS knowledge or coding required. To upload a new font, select its na.........

Similar: 28%


wp-Typogrify is dead. wp-Typogrify has merged with wp-Hyphenate to become wp-Typography, an all-inclusive typography solution. Long live wp-Typogrify! If you have this plugin installed, please uninstall it and install wp-Typography. A special thank you is due to Hamish Macpherson who is responsib.........

Similar: 24%

Google Fonts For WordPress (discontinued)

Google Fonts For WordPress is a plugin which allows fast and easy add new Google Fonts to your website. You can use them in your visual editor. It contains fast font replacing, advanced font filter and extra fonts sizes. Very easy to install and configure. Features: Google Fonts which can be used in.........

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